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Posted in Ch. 8 Flower Garden Posted 6 years ago

Have we got any full words figured out so far?

Posted in Ch. 8 Flower Garden Posted 6 years ago

Ooh, hangman. How did that not cross my mind?

So where are we at?

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Aww. I'm with you @RainbowPanda: I've never been to Disney World and I feel like I might never get there.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: Albino Pandas are lovely.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Taemins Lover: I agree. The other games have been quite time-consuming and I've noticed that most players start to grow tired of a given game halfway through.

The other day's was so damn fast that I felt I had to do something I normally never do, use my phone to continue following it while I went out and that was quite an annoyance.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Vladimir: Yeah. It was a short game today, only three puzzles.
But you can still do 'em.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Great. Now my brain wants to sing 'Golden Afternoon' but it doesn't know it. :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: Confession time, I haven't read the closing content of a chapter since chapter 2. :vanora_sweat:

Now the flowers I've heard of.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

This randomly getting logged out thing is annoying.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Cheshire is most definitely my favorite Wonderland character.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: I kinda knew a crossword would come next after the riddles, so I'm callin' it now: tomorrow is a word search!

@RainbowPanda: Well good luck with them dark circles.

@RainbowPanda: Does that actually do anything, the cucumbers on the eyes?

Transaction complete. Pleasure doing business with you!

@RainbowPanda: All that sounds awesome except the cucumbers. Hate those.