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@Totalanimefan: NO! I FORBID IT! :vanora_xd:

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

I wonder what tomorrow's game will be. Seems like the featured Wonderland character will be the Queen of Hearts.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Lance: Yeah it was a short game today, only three puzzles. :P

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Kozi: Ooh. Flashbacks to the HP desktop crash of '05.
Thing had just barely turned a year old.
After that happened I had to use the public library (or perhaps I shared my mom's laptop) until I got my second ever personal laptop in December of '06.

@Totalanimefan: Thanx, you're awesome.
Don't leave town. Your offer isn't off the table yet. ;)

@Totalanimefan: I believe I'll wait for another offer but you've pointed out something I should add to the first post. *thumbs up*

@Totalanimefan: >_> Suddenly not liking this. I personally prefer Unicorn's guide. I've been told the other one is likely a personal appraisal guide.
How much of that amount would be replaced by the ohms?

(Sorry but if you were in the White Rabbit event thread, you might have caught me mentioning that I am terrible with math and I'm new and don't know the exchange rate)

@Totalanimefan: Accepted.
What's your volt asking price?

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Kozi: Ugh, iPads don't like a whole lot. I remember when I had one, how annoying it was to find a Youtube video of a song I wanted to listen to because no uploaders would set it to be compatible with a mobile device!

@Totalanimefan: 25 ohms for one Angelic comin' up!

@Totalanimefan: Hmm, indeed. For now. I'd be willing to sell the ohms for volts after I get the items I want.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Yeah I say just use your own time zone it's less confusing.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

It's like in that movie Arrival, past, present and future are all the same moment!

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: Ah, sound logic Hatter.