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Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Then I suppose it's evening here now. It's just after 4pm.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: I concur that teatime can be anytime.

@Bone Wench: I'd be willing to do that, however, with their being so fresh on the market, I don't believe their volts values have been appraised yet.

@RainbowPanda: Angelic for the ohms?
I'm down!

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

When would everyone say evening officially starts? I've always considered it to be at 5pm?

@Totalanimefan: I could perhaps be persuaded. What've you got?

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: Well, they could use spoiler tags on the first page as well but eh. Whatever.

Step into my domain.

NOTICE: Yeah, Tinypic killed my listings and I didn't back up the images. I left them exclusively on my old Macbook which is dead.
I'll redo them eventually when I feel like it. Bah.

- Voltra's rules, of course, apply.
- Respect my right to refuse or withdraw service as desired for whatever reason I deem and without warning
- Respect your fellow volties
- I don't hold items. If someone else comes along with a better or more preferable offer, I'm going with them without hesitation or notice to other offerors.
- Chat it up. It's good for Volt/Event Currency farming.

- You'll notice that there are two price guides with drastically different appraisals.
I prefer Unicorn's guide. The 2.0 in the title suggests it's more up to date and I've been told that the other is likely personal appraisals by the creator.

My Stash!
NOTE: Please ping me to do business. Especially during an event as I get very involved.

Here's the deal.

I've got this to spend:
53,735 volts and counting (I participate in the event games and remain after to chat)
1 ohms


1500 Volts per item
21,000 for a set
(Note: Again, this is using Unicorn's guide.
The conversion math from Shrooms to Volts for the entire set I had to do myself and I'm not a math person. If you believe there is an error please do let me know)





What I'm After

See something you like?

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!! Posted 6 years ago

@Blair Elric: My bad. Apologies.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: Cool. I've been doing that as well for the past few days.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: Hey I dug it. But I dig this outfit as well.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

Aww so there really are no more puzzles.
That was too short. :(

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: I say same character, Mad Matter's sister but different, a bit less psycho look.

Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: I'm on Trisphee as well! But this event has kept me away.
Though regardless, it's sadly pretty dead there.