Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in Ohm-Long-Johnson
Posted 6 years ago
Never seen that before but lol cats are weird

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: I have been working two jobs for 2 years now my body is trained to function on the bare minimum lest I not have a life outside of work o___o;;

Posted in So I got out of bed late
Posted 6 years ago
@kozi: I live in southern cali not many bears here that I am aware of. I get that coyotes have a bad rep but they can't help that all their habitat is being destroyed. They prey on peoples' pets because they are forced to, so I don't hold it against them. Not that it isn't incredibly sad when it happens but it makes me more mad at humanity than the animals. Anytime I have seen a coyote on a hike they have minded their business. But that is just my personal experience. >3>

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: forgive me if I am prying but may I ask your age? I feel like when I was young playing outside was how we passed the time but these days parents are too scared to let their kids out of their sight so they are happy for them to stay home with a video game >3>

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: all I need is six hours and I have another hour to do that ;D

Posted in So I got out of bed late
Posted 6 years ago
@kozi: hmmmmm I ain't scared sounds magical XD
We have coyotes here and I am always happy to see them, scared, but happy
We have coyotes here and I am always happy to see them, scared, but happy

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: oh yeah I have work XDDDD
But not til 11am and since I am getting picked up I literally don't have to be ready til 11am on the dot. And my kid has speech therapy before so I don't actually expect them til like 11:20ish
But not til 11am and since I am getting picked up I literally don't have to be ready til 11am on the dot. And my kid has speech therapy before so I don't actually expect them til like 11:20ish

Posted in So I got out of bed late
Posted 6 years ago
Okay buuuut getting lost in the forest sounds kind of rad... >.>

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: gurl I feel that cos same. I mean it is 3:36am here right now XDD
@tuijp: that good! my parents encouraged physical activities, but at school it was your one hour of P.E. and that was it XD
@tuijp: that good! my parents encouraged physical activities, but at school it was your one hour of P.E. and that was it XD

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: I was suggesting to his mom to see if they have like... outdoor versions of traditional skates. He has rollerblades but he prefers the skates. But if the roller rink goes well tomorrow we will start going more often. So I really hope it does. But I have to be careful not to let my kid see that or he will act out to spite me XD

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: yeah that is confusing XD Praying for your sleep schedule
@tuijp: I was into inlines for a little while but at the rink you could go faster on 'speed skates" they're like traditional four wheel skates but somehow made different to go faster? it's been a little short of 2 decades to it's hard to remember XD
@tuijp: I was into inlines for a little while but at the rink you could go faster on 'speed skates" they're like traditional four wheel skates but somehow made different to go faster? it's been a little short of 2 decades to it's hard to remember XD

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: Ah and traveling east always make time changes harder in my experience >.<

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: the small hick ass town I grew up in, the roller skating rink was the happening spot for kids and teens, so I grew up going every fri/sat, and many sunday, nights. One of the ways I first really connected with this kid was I was his first therapist that could roller skate with him. But he has never been to a proper rink, just saking around his house and at some parks. And dood it is way harder to skate(not inline, but like traditional roller skates lol) on pavement. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he can fly around so much more
And his mom is picking me up so I don't even gotta use gas to get to work 8]

And his mom is picking me up so I don't even gotta use gas to get to work 8]

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: forgive my ignorance but where is UTC?