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I don't recall watching it on tv but I definitely did collect those kinds of mlps when I was a kid
The more I think about it the more I want it.

I'll bid a demonic + pond sailing idek how much that is but I am sure it's more than the 15k
@star2000shadow: there is no limits on decorating the tree though ^.^

also cuuute 8D
stupid ass stock photo people for a roast sounds amazing tbh
@star2000shadow: you may only feed potato treats once per day. I wouldn't want him getting to an unhealthy weight now ;D
I checked with Snata Pug first XD
Prizes for all games have been sent ^.^
ry u no write letter to santa pug?
@star2000shadow: yas! /feelsaccepted
I done did it
@star2000shadow: I can imagine nerve pain hurts worse actually, I mean your nerves are literally your physical feelings o3o I am glad you are having a good xmas eve!
@everyone else who might be here haiiii I have like an hour to chat before getting ready for work
@star2000shadow: oh shiiit nerve pain, yeah that sounds intense

@tuijp: your avi is amazing and has inspired me to change into the magical girl avi I have had sitting in my invo since I changed to this one 8D

@priestess of pie: congrats! That one is the electrician from the blackout crate, will send from my mule shortly!