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Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Im looking Im looking xD Now bare in mind when I do find it its the first one Ive ever done

@panda: Hahaha thank you Panda! and also welcome :p
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Well thank you I truly appreciate your compliments towards my character. I try and be the best version of me I can be.
Lets not forget though that as nice as anyone can be we are only human and we all falter sometimes haha.

I enjoy speaking with you as well! We need to do it more often. Im trying to push myself to be way more active on here
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I slowly figured that out while I was trying to get everything to bland while painting it haha. I have actually tried water colors for the first time recently. I decided to do a galaxy painting for my HR Manager cause her office is gray and sad looking and shes wanted something with color. Ill have to see if I can find a picture of it quick

Thats awesome! Im far too scared to sell my art xD
@Saeyra: Its only fair to include ALL genders into this house of art! Besides without men who would we all sketch and paint? :p
@Shark: So glad you like it :p
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: .
You have literally just won my undying affection now! I just wanna pick you up and squish you! Like a little cute jellyfish!

Aww yes it's hard sometimes to be able to tell who someone really is but I think for the most part once you get to know them a bit
you really see who they are or at least want to be right? Its so easy to come online and just be mean and cruel to people you dont know and just troll everyone so If they dont and they seem genuine then I believe thats who they are or like I said who they want to be and thats good enough for me :)

You are honestly too kind and super sweet my dear and have made my day!
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: Exactly! Sometimes I feel like there are just so many threads and people would LOVE to be in them all but we dont always have the time, I figured this way all of us can come together while still having our own pages for requests and such and more people will see our styles and art and maybe get everyone more publicity! xD

PH I LOVE THAT STORMY ONE!!! I so wanted to do one like it but I just didnt feel like I was capable just yet of letting myself have the fun you need to have while playing with the waves. Sooo nice hunny

I used Acrylic paints for this one though I did find blending the colors was slightly harder than I thought if they arent the same brands. noted that for next time xD
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Miss Kitty: So happy you like it! Would love to see you around here sharing your creations with us all!
and pffft no way they are probably awesome but like every artists you are too hard on yourself!!!
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 6 years ago
I really need to work on my camouflage outfit better xD /acts like a tree blowing in the breeze/
is this working?... o.o
pfft me sweet and cute? naw way /blushes/
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
So In the spirits of getting the ball rolling in here, I figured I would show one of my newest pieces I painted last week. I just recently started painting about two months ago so I still have so much to learn and experiment with but Im hoping with this thread I will find other painters who can help and give advice and tricks to make my work even better :)

@Panda: Yes I have at least 6 static shock and I believe 10 of the other two. Who knew they would be so expensive so fast haha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Haha yeah well I hope it doesnt stop some of the guys from coming in here and having fun with us xD now that you mention it it is very feminine in here hahaha
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: HAHA I thought it would be something everyone would remember and not forget? xD hahhaa
@RoseyWitch: Aww thank you hun! Makes me super happy when people enjoy the layouts! Now to get the rest of it in place
Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago

Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago

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Posted in V.A.G - Voltra Artist Gallery - Page Prizes Posted 6 years ago

To Win Please Do Not Swipe, That means Lurking without Participating in the conversation or Thread For The Soul Purpose Of Winning The Page Prize. This is a form of Cheating and Will Not Be Tolerated here, Lets Play Fair.

PAGE 05 [ Saeyra ] ----------------200 OHMS
PAGE 10 [ Lady Luna ] -------------- 1,000 VOLTS
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PAGE 40 [ Lady Luna ] -------------- 1,000 VOLTS
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Strawberry / Kiwi - Donated 10k in Volts !