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Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Miss Kitty: Guess whos VooDoo doll is nearly completed :p
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Oh trust me I am extremely grateful for my job. I love going to work every single day and if they ever need anything or any Ideas they know how much I love art so they come to me and ask If I have any ideas. Its great. They also put me in charge of the social committee so I get to do all the arts and crafts for all our events and art shows lol I lucked out..I couldnt of asked for a better job
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I am extremely lucky because I actually work in an arts and crafts distribution warehouse so I get amazing deals on all my supplies. I just dont need some of it cause Like I said I dont do it enough so it wouldnt pay for itself after a few uses like most peoples would
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Needed it, especially after the work week I had last week. Just needed to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having right now
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Depends on the detail of the avatar or OC that I am doing. I prefer lots of stuff cause it adds so much more to the dolls than the simpler ones do. Gives you more to play around with. mind you there is such thing as too much clutter hahaha
I would say on average though? Probably a good five hours. I draw them on paper and then make final changed in black pencil and then take a picture of it and put it on my computer where I color it in a simple program called photofiltre. I dont bother buying all the expensive toys which Im sure I would love cause I just dont do it enough
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: RIGHT?!!! I dont even know what to tell you on that one..I still dont fully understand it myself and I draw the little buggers
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: been great actually. Went out with some friends and family to our huge market and then to lunch. Now home.doing laundry and relaxing finally since I have work all week. Trying to be more active on here too
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Aww thank you Hun I really appreciate that :)
They are different that's for sure haha a mix of cute and sad all in one. You kinda just feel bad for them in a good way? Haha feel free to lurk or stop by anytime to chat. :)
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: :) kind of a mix of sad and cute xD haha. So how's your day going Hun?
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: yeah I think that's why they are so popular because they are different. I got the idea many.many years ago while I was collecting some of the skelanimal figurines xD
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: aww that makes me super happy Hun! That makes doing them all worth it. I love when people love them because they are kind of misfits xD
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
Sorry was testing something out here xD
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
@Miss Kitty: since I'm only taking one at a time for now you can just post the info or send it to me in a pm. I really should make one to make it easier lol

Basically I just need
- username
- what I'm drawing (Avi/OC,etc)
- pictures or links for it
- what you are offering
-any extra details you think I need

And I'll quote you and put it on the front page so I don't loose it or forget xD
Posted in - One Stop Shop - Posted 7 years ago
Newest one, haven't updated the front page yet. First one done of an avatar on this site. Was a freebie to get my butt in gear xD