Mandy Amour's posts
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: I opened all but one of each crate. Im not sure why I bought so many of that one. Probably because I figured the first ones always seem to grow in rate the fastest on any site simply because quantity doesnt match the demand as the site grows so much. I have noticed a few people questing that one item though..maybe Ill sell off a few and make some extra money now lol

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: yes maam that would be the one. Its crazy when I think about how much money I would of had to donate to get them all xD I guess it isnt so bas since these places are a mental break for me and its the same as spending money on a hobby so its not so bad. Long as all the bills are paid and the kitten is fed haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah thats true. Id like to have at least one set of all the released items out thus far for now. I scored a CRAP load of some of the first crates lol..they just sit there but who knows maybe one day Ill let them all go. got more money than brains sometimes when it comes to online xD haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: 0.o
I think I got back just under 10k and I havent purchased like anything you dont see on my avatar..I really should but I just cant get myself to be motivated to do it haha. I should start with something the hair I love. Get it in every color and just go from there. Then at least ive started something and dont have to feel so lazy haha
I think I got back just under 10k and I havent purchased like anything you dont see on my avatar..I really should but I just cant get myself to be motivated to do it haha. I should start with something the hair I love. Get it in every color and just go from there. Then at least ive started something and dont have to feel so lazy haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah I just looked at your list of things you are questing..that is quite a hefty list to get through haha. You seem to have a huge chunk done already though which is impressive as all hell lol. I keep meaning to buy ohms and sell them off so I can buy all the items in brown/beige but I get distracted and forget haha Xd

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Me too! I love to see all the amazing styles and things people come up with. its funny how 400 people could have a chibi shop and each one of them would look so different! though that also means we have to start saving our pennies so we can afford to buy up all the amazing art coming our way soon haha
Also way weird..Apparently I just got signed out of my account for no reason, thats different..haha.
Also way weird..Apparently I just got signed out of my account for no reason, thats different..haha.

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: It depends really on the site. I would say the best ones for this site cause its still newer and a smaller community than most that a combined one would be the best. One where they would get multiple peices from each artist and that tends to get people to part more with their currency lol. More bang for their buck sort to speak. Not to mention you get more styles and more options that way so one artist could do one avatar and the other does another. For some reason that always goes well because people tend to think the money is worth it more cause they have to pay two artists really. I did three combined ones before with a few friends and they all seemed to do amazing. You just have to gauge it since not many people on here are "rich" sort to speak its probably best to take items ohms and volts in any form or wait till people get a little more wealth accumulated lol

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Yeah thats true. I could always try that style and see what is the most common price. Im used to usually just doing more of the auctions because then people bump up the price and if you only do a few here and there its the same as if you charged lower and did a lot. Plus you know the people bidding are serious and will get back to you when you have questions regarding their avatar and the item you can only kind of see so you can look it up haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Aww thank you love. I love that people enjoy them so much. I think its because they are so different then most people. Usually people go towards "chibi" for cute and adorable and I love the voodoo dolls because they offer the cute with a little bit of dark lol. I do have one on here, its only open for chatting right now while I get it all ready to go. It died before the blackout though so I want to redo some of the graphics and such and make it a lot nicer before I open it for orders officially. Thats the other thing, pricing part is a pain in the arse. Its so hard to know what people would pay and people dont want to hurt peoples feelings either so really its such a song and dance lol

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: I love art just as much as everyone else, its your call my dear if you have the time That would be awesome and if not thats okay I can catch you another time. Im pretty laid back for that stuff lol I just like how excited people get when they get the art. :p The excitement is payment enough its like a kid at Christmas lol and ou would officially be the first one to have one of my voodoos on this site xD most are from gaia and a few other sites. Which is why I keep them, for the art lol

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: I dont charge for them unless I open my shop and take orders. Sometimes I just like an avatar and do it for someone because I can and It keeps me busy for a few hours while I have fun lol. Im hoping this weekend to have some time to do at least one on here. Ill do more eventually once I get more comfortable in the community. I feel like a fish out of water here and that makes it hard to put myself out there with my art too. If I do one this weekend Id love to do your Avatar if youd like. I cant promise it will be done this weekend but I will get it finished in a decent amount of time.

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
Ive been working on some of my Voodoo Dolls. Not as many as of late and its mostly because I get so annoyed with them.
I want them to be dark but cute and sometimes I feel like the cute comes out more than it should. Oh well..I guess thats not a bad thing always haha
I want them to be dark but cute and sometimes I feel like the cute comes out more than it should. Oh well..I guess thats not a bad thing always haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: Oh Okay. I never like to assume so I decided I would ask haha. I always find what helps me when I get feeling like that is picking something new and giving it a shot. Focusing as hard as I can on it and then when I come back to the one giving me a headache I feel like its almost like a reboot since I spent so much time concentrating on something new lol might work maybe?
@Lady Luna: Yeah I get what you mean there..they destroyed that site with all the items they re-released and the rigs they sent out almost daily. The inflation on there is insane. I log in just to keep my account but thats about it. Ive always thought about taking my now trillions and donating to users who actually still care about it all lol
Yeah more people would be nice but not too many..Once it gets too crowded I go back into hiding haha
@Lady Luna: Yeah I get what you mean there..they destroyed that site with all the items they re-released and the rigs they sent out almost daily. The inflation on there is insane. I log in just to keep my account but thats about it. Ive always thought about taking my now trillions and donating to users who actually still care about it all lol
Yeah more people would be nice but not too many..Once it gets too crowded I go back into hiding haha

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: Oh? How so? Are you meaning your own art quality or just in general on these sites?