Mimikyutoo's posts
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: What you have so far is looking pretty snazzy tbh
@KayBit: It is, especially if I could find a site that wasn't so ad heavy tbh...
That or because the weather my internet is kind of crapping out.
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: Hahaha, that would be my life if only ;u;
It's good, you might give it a read.
@star2000shadow: Hahaha, I should probably do the same too huh?
Also sorry for the delays I'm also watching a k-drama ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: Lol, I really wish that my house just magically got clean xD
And It's pretty intense of a book. Definitely graphic and sad.
@star2000shadow: I think it depends on when you go to bed honestly.
I woke up at six, not by choice, and I'm already ready for a nap.
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: I am currently trying to clean and procrastinate at the same time ;D
Not a very good thing to do, 10/10 would NOT recommend xD
As for books I tend to like fantasy a lot more (usually involving demons or what not)
I also was absolutely obsessed with 'The Butterfly Garden' by Dot Hutchenson...
which is like a messed up mystery/murder/kidnapping idk what to call it.
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Inspire: Ughhh I miss reading so much but lately every book just doesn't grab my attention like at all. It makes me so sad.
@star2000shadow: Eyyyy how are you this morning? I'm a lil groggy myself if I'm being honest.
@KayBit: -waves enthusiastically- Heyo! How are you this morning?
Posted in MimikyuToo's Quest
Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Studying isn't as bad as actual classes in my opinion.
But I'm a strange one I think. Honestly though I think it's cool you're working
hard. I know a lot of people don't ;u;
@RainbowPanda: Waaaah you're such a blessing!!! Thank you so much!!!
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
Ughhh life has been super crazy lately. I am also too lazy to reply to everyone right now.
I'm sorry guys orz
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@nyreen: I'm glad to hear that! it's always nice to
get to have good days and catch up on some z's ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@nyreen: awww, I'm sorry about your week ;n; Is there
any chance you get to sleep/nap today? I hope so ;A;
@star2000shadow: Ahhh that sounds like a nice day ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: I honestly forget to eat a lot of the time. I just don't really
think about it until it's like 4 in the afternoon xD I need to work on it
or set timers or something. I also need to drink more.
@dragoness129: What is goody powder?
@star2000shadow: I mean once it's out it's not like you can feel or
really tell a difference unless you eat super greasy food all the time.
My day today is going good, yesterday was pretty busy and crazy.
@Ixora: rofl I accidently mentioned you instead of someone else.
Now I need to go find the post on their thread and explain I switched
the reply to theirs with your reply rofl I can't believe I did that XD
@pixiebuns: I love all things mimikyu at the moment! I even
convienced my hubby to get me a mimikyu plushie ;u; it's so adorable!
Also thank you! I think your avatar is super pretty myself!
To Everyone: How's your day going? Mines doing good ;u; as for the
post about mimikyu I always envisioned like medusa's head for some
reason even though we know it's not that xD
Posted in MimikyuToo's Quest
Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I've always been interested in coding and what not
but I feel like in general it's a bit difficult. Like you could write a whole
page of code but if one little symbol is out of place then the whole thing
usually ends up messing up xD I like doing html though. (I know it's
not the same) But I do enjoy that xD
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Personally I think your stick people are adorable ;u;
I was planning on ordering one today to use as a post style ;u;
@star2000shadow: Yeaaa I would have to be drugged. I had my
gallbladder out (As like everyone in my town basically does too, I think it's the water)
and I straight freaked out till I was passed out.
@dragoness129: Well everyone in the house stayed up till like 2-4 am
so we basically just woke up xD I guess you'd say it's good? More of a
"Idk how the day will go" kinda vibe.
Posted in spoopy piles of arts!! [shop, CHAT]
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: True that. Anyway, are you staying up late currently or?
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Hahaha it is pretty difficult.. I don't think many think about it though.
Like my friends that I show aren't too impressed lol