Mimikyutoo's posts
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Rayon Declaire: Woooooo!
-throws confetti around the thread-
I would give you cake but Idk if you like it xD
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Rayon Declaire: I volunteer to be your friend if you would like :D
oddly enough this seems to be a common theme in me asking people to be my friend
Anywho. I would like to be friends with you ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: EXACTLY! That's what I've been saying! I'm glad I met someone
who has the same mentality because these guys I live with just don't get it. My hubby
even is like "Just get it all at one store."
@Rayon Declaire: On the plus side I'm the type of person who just likes talking, even
if it is awkward xD I like to feel like I have lots of friends xD which is probably sad but
it's the truuuuth! Anyway, I enjoy talking to you if that counts for anything ;u;
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
Honestly I feel like crap because I feel like a terrible wife... I know we just moved and I can't really unpack yet until my husband sits and tells me what is what and what he wants to do with it but it makes the house look cluttered and dirty. Anyway... I also feel bad because I feel like I'm so freaking annoying on everything and to everyone. Like I know that I probably wont... but honestly I feel hella annoying and out of place not only on this site but everywhere.... Like I try hard to be positive and motivational and idk. I think I'm just feeling down on myself and I'm trying hard not to have a pity party...
Posted in Mood swings
Posted 6 years ago
I mean the jobless thing sucks, I know. I'm a stay at home wife now and if I don't keep myself in check I get depressed because I feel like cooking and cleaning and all that isn't very helpful... And I know we're not close or anything but I wrote like a motivational post I guess? I mean I kinda was up in the air about posting it because like I said, I don't know you too well. We just started talking like a few days ago... Anyway I feel like a lot of the way you feel is because of societal stigmas and standards that just are pretty ludicrous in my opinion... so if you wanna read it, it's in the spoiler but feel free to ignore me xD I just was hoping it would make you feel better. The majority of it is talking about how so many people didn't really do anything with their life until their later years ;u; but yeaaaa....
I know there is a societal pressure for people to marry in their twenties and have their life together by twenty-five or whatever... but that's not true and is insanely ridiculous. You sound like a lot of people tbh, like yea being jobless sucks, but it happens. Like Danny Trejo was in and out of prisons up until he decided to get his life together in his thirties and became a well known star, Mark Twain basically hopped job to job until around his 30th birthday when he figured out he was great at writing, J.K. Rowling didn't have her book published till she was 31 and she was a suicidal single mother, and there are way more I could bring up like Oprah and so on and so forth...
My point is, like it sucks yes. And it probably is cause of the mood swings... but statistically you haven't even made it to the halfway mark of an average life span! You got this! From talking to you, you seem like a nice person who is super fun to talk to and you do really cool graphics and I just think maybe you're being too hard on yourself... You got this!
My point is, like it sucks yes. And it probably is cause of the mood swings... but statistically you haven't even made it to the halfway mark of an average life span! You got this! From talking to you, you seem like a nice person who is super fun to talk to and you do really cool graphics and I just think maybe you're being too hard on yourself... You got this!
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
The pumpkin mask, is super cute!
Posted in Keyboard SMASH!
Posted 6 years ago
Babes In Sassy Band Name Mice
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Rayon Declaire: Ehhh you seem to be doing well to me?
Do you just get nervous or you just feel awkward or?
I know sometimes I stumble for replies because I'm unsure of what to say ;u;
Posted in Hello!
Posted 6 years ago
@Rayon Declaire: oh oh oh you totes should! I'd love to see it!
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Rayon Declaire: Well that's pretty interesting in my opinion xD
Why are you eating furniture in it? Like what came to the point xD
Posted in spoopy piles of arts!! [shop, CHAT]
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Ahh I did wake up at 6, then I went back to sleep.
How are you doing?
Posted in Hello!
Posted 6 years ago
@Unlockable Character: Ahhh your avatar is so prettyyyyyy
@iggy: Yup yup yup, only a few days old ;p Thank you for the welcome!
@Rayon Declaire: Thank you! And isn't it the cutest? I was also into Spore creatures for a while.
I haven't played that one in a long time either.
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Google always gives me a headache because the amount of white.
How are you today? Good I'm hoping? Also I think I'm going to try doodling on my phone and see how it goes?
@Anarchist Beauty: Hello there! -walks up and sits next to you- Are you doing okay today?
@Sweet Violet: Hi! Your avatar is pretty snazzy, for some reason my brain says it's a phoenix!
@Rayon Declaire: We can chat about anything! How your days going, what you're eating...
I basically don't mind talking about anything and everything ^-^
Posted in spoopy piles of arts!! [shop, CHAT]
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Waaah that's so nice ;u; I'll probably end up getting up at 6 or 7 unless I sleep bad.
My body is like an old ladies and no matter when I sleep I'm always up at the same time in the mornings XD