Mimikyutoo's posts
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: they’re not the best at letting me know what’s going on honestly :/
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: If that's not me then Idk what is xD
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: I think she's just nervous or something? I mean I would be honestly.
She can't eat until they decide though so idk.
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit:Honestly I'm too forgetful. Like my bro-in-laws... I always forget their birthday so yeaaaaaaa
Makes me feel bad. Alsoooo I just forget things in general honestly.
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@kiwi: My mom is hoping that she wont need surgery but from what I've been told I'm pretty sure she needs it, the surgeon just hasn't gotten around to her. It's been almost an entire day and no surgeon has seen her yet.
Hazer's avatar is pretty fun to draw. I have a list of people I want to sketch but I'm kinda all over the place tbh.
@KayBit: Hahaha, thank you, on all accounts. I appreciate it greatly honestly. ;u;
I like your pixel work! Totally wasn't stalking your threads or anything >w>
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: Pretty tired lol. I can't believe I forgot about this ;A; I'm a bad thread person
@star2000shadow: Shipping is always super expensive for me for some reason.
@nyreen:Afternoon, lol I forgot about my event thread, my bad ;A;
Posted in Mimikyu's Art Dump
Posted 6 years ago
@KayBit: awww thank you! I appreciate it ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
UPDATE ABOUT SISTER: So she can open her eye that's fractured slightly, we're still waiting for a doctor to tell us for sure if she is going to need surgery or not. We're hoping she wont need it.
@KayBit: Why thank you! I get pretty nervous about art because like I don't draw as much as I am suppose to so I feel like I've lost a lot of skill that I once had... but the hair turned out way better than I expected and the hands too.
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
Dude, you're like 20 now... do you really have to have someone wake you up so you can go to work? Like yea working fucking sucks and I get you hate your job... but either suck it up or find a new one. My husband will kick you out the first month you don't pay him rent... We literally can have anyone rent or even just use your room as an office or guest bedroom. Like we're doing it to be kind, but I'm not your momma and my husband ain't your daddy. Get your act together.
Posted in Mimikyu's Art Dump
Posted 6 years ago
@nyx: Thank you! I never tried doing a like sketchy shaded style so I wanted to attempt, I also have a colored version now ;u;
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@Rallaa: Ooooooh I'll have to join it one of these days ;u;
It sounds pretty cool from what I can hear!
Morning everyone. My watch I stole from my husband said I only slept 2hr and 19 minutes last night.
We think that it may be wrong but you know... I do feel like I only got 2 hours of sleep honestly. xD
Also no news is good news and I have not heard any updates on my sister at this time ;u; so hopefully that's all well.
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@kiwi: I'm better at avatar art for some reason? Or maybe I was just pouring my emotions into it (aka focusing hard on it?) or maybe because it's with the computer tablet, I need to redo your sketch...
My sister basically as a fractured eye socket. We're waiting to see if she will have surgery tomorrow. Since they're five hours away it's hard to get more information than just small updates like this. But Will definitely keep everyone posted when I know more. It's been a crazy day.
@Rallaa: Ohhhhhh well I might join the cult because he's super nice xD I haven't heard him speak or anything but he's been nothing but kind to me xD
wait... is this on discord? How does one join? And can I just listen without using voice?
@Hazer: Wahh I'm so glad that you like it ;u;
The hands took me like forever and a day to complete.
I think that if I were to sell the art on here it'd have to take forever to complete xD
That's why I think I'll stick to doing them as gifts.
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
@kiwi: yeah, they said that it should be put back into the account once it’s finished pending.
So that’s good then I guess, just frustrating that it happened especially with everything else going on...
@Rallaa: I don’t know why but my brain said y’all were two different people rofl but yay! I’m glad you like it!
Posted in Mimikyu's Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
So basically I used your avi to distract myself. Hope you like it.