Miss Kitty's posts
Posted 7 years ago

This didn't even notify me! So adorable! ^_^ Thank you so much, cedes!! <3

Posted in [ SOLD ]
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: Sure ^^ Go ahead and send the trade. And thank you for buying!

Posted in [ SOLD ]
Posted 7 years ago

I have NONE Alice for sale.
14k Volts
700 Ohms
Possibly art, depends.
Not interested in items, sorry <3
Will do a mix of volts and Ohms (ohms valued at 20 volts per ohm)
Not up for haggling, sorry <3

Posted in Tries to make contact
Posted 7 years ago

ET can't phone home anymore. Didn't pay the phone bill.

Posted in The Seven Sinisters as Voltras!
Posted 7 years ago

I absolutely love your characters. I think the twins are my favorite. I love their personalities from the little I was able to see of them lol.
But the avatars looking really good! Worked well with what items we have available! Good job! ^^

Posted in A +1, -1 option
Posted 7 years ago

Now, I wouldn't say this should be available in all threads, as I feel some potential drama COULD happen, or it could become a popularity thing.
But, maybe in the feedback forum in the very least, there could be a button located near the first post of a thread and users could either +1 that idea/feedback or -1 if they don't particularly like it.
I know on another site I used to go on, giving any sort of feedback ended up growing particularly bad and nothing was really done about it. While I don't see that happening here, I do know there are some people who simply are afraid to give feedback, rather its fear from doing so on past sites or their anxiety or what have you. This little system could help, as they wouldn't have to post and no one would have to know the individual liked it or didn't.
But for users who aren't afraid to write out feedback/ideas, they can still +1 or -1, but could also post, explaining why or why not in the thread.
Just a random thought I had ^^ For all I know it sucks xD But just throwing it out there. Cause why not?

Posted in Who the heck...
Posted 7 years ago

I dont think i could ever make it in the microwave. I've got an awesome way to make it with a toaster >> but I also like the crunch of a grilled cheese, so microwave wouldn't do it for me >>

Posted in mindblow
Posted 7 years ago

Yeah. This happens to me quite a bit lol. I never get over the shock ;-;

Posted in Dyed hairrrr
Posted 7 years ago

Purple/blue the first time
Teal / Mermaid green the next time.
Though its starting to face pretty bad lol So gotta figure out if I wanna do this color again, as I have a bit of the dye from it still left over.
Or If i go with another color this time.

Posted in This coffee stuff is great
Posted 7 years ago

Oh, I LOVE Coffee, and I NEED it >> I tend to have 1 -2 cups a day. But thats just an average! ^^;;
I went a week and some change without coffee due to sickness...when I finally got some, well it wasn't a pretty sight xD >> I was hyper beyond words.

Posted in Ghostie's Grab Bags & More [Revamped] FULL
Posted 7 years ago

@Ghostie: Oh my gosh how darling!! So cute!! I love this so much!! ^_^ Thank you!!

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars
Posted 7 years ago

Not too much. Attempting to make a Valentines Day avatar, but also don't want to change mine yet because they haven't added the sweater I have on back into the shop yet lol.
How about you?

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars
Posted 7 years ago

I adore them! ^^ *huggles* You made them so cute!

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars
Posted 7 years ago

Hi Dragoness! ^^ How are you doing?