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Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: yeah i know i can consider myself lucky for this! ^^
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: its the whole umbrella from splish splash =)
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: its the sweetest thing ever!!!!!
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: thats right dear! omg my dad really is the best.... one of the workers in the house destroyed my favorite mug...... and i told him that if he is in the one store again he can bring me a new cup because we just dont get it from this store.... and he brings the best cup ever with a cat and its says cat lover xD
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: yeah it should.... or not iam not sure till i stand up tomorrow morning ^^ i have an early appointment with my midwife. i actually dont wanna go XD and well no ive planned to watch voltra in the noon and the event pops up :D
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: definetly..... omg i have headache like hell.... i will go to bed soon! i think the event dont will come in today ^^ sadly
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
the boots!
Posted in Compliment The Person Above You Posted 5 years ago
i like the vibe of your avi.... reminds me of an modern witch =)
Posted in Male or Female? Posted 5 years ago
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Halloween Posted 5 years ago
just waiting for iiiiiiit
congrats to the winners!!!!
and well working on the next try XDD
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: yes definetly! the actual woman from the show even had colostrum xD wtf if something comes out of your breasts youre probably pregnant guuuurl
Posted in No energy...... zombie mode Posted 5 years ago
@Wildfire: or your bowel XDDD or scratching from the inside xDD i love it it is better than no movement at all =))