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Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
your hat has cysts
Posted in i cut the skin below my eye with an EYE BOOGER Posted 5 years ago
its always awesome if your own body hurts itself xD this must have burned so bad
@Queen of Trash: yes because thats how twinsies work :D
@inatlaka: iam sure you will find them also really quick =))
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: thats good youre alright =) sure these work really quick ^^
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: its called crybaby ;D
the harp :D and hii
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: yeah i was just tired =) today i need go to the gyn again necause i have an anemia.... after i got iron pills everything will be great again ^^how are you? =)
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
the white cat
Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
the bat lookes like it would kill me!
Posted in Holy Crap, I'm Awake! Posted 5 years ago
being awake definetly is unfortunate!
Posted in Who here has good eyes? Posted 5 years ago
is there really standing something xDDDD *searches for my glasses*
awww they look like twinsiiies
Posted in Buying and Selling partially Updated 11/7/20 Posted 5 years ago
@Shadami: yes thank you =)and thats no prob!
Posted in Busted~ a Bust and headshop~ Come In! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: thats good because yesturday was extremly exhausting so i did just sleep when iam usually online in the evening.....