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Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yeah yeah it is =)and thank you for telling me :D
Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
the price is rising come in now
Posted in Buying Sticky Fingers! Posted 5 years ago
oh comeone? someone??
@inatlaka: haha nooo xDD tsun also is under a year here =)
@inatlaka: 1 month and view weeks though ^^ not much longr than you ^^
@inatlaka: youre welcome i didnt know this fact but i already had this item in my inv xD
@inatlaka: its crybaby from the alice event =))
@inatlaka: thank you dear spooky is good for halloween ^^
@Wildfire: preacher is awesome iam at season 4 now! did you watch the whole series yet? and yeah sounds good you should do that =)
@Wildfire: i feeding me and my own wild animal atm xD and i try watching preacher ^^ what will you do now??
@LupaPrinceRomulus: i totally understand that :D monday madness right =)?

@Wildfire: welcome back from the wild animal feeding ^^
@LupaPrinceRomulus: didnt sound to bad :D
@LupaPrinceRomulus: fine i have heartburn now XD how is your day going? =D
@LupaPrinceRomulus: no not really tbh =)