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    @Kairu: only on ch1 but this comic is a revamp of the version i started in 2011-2012 so the basic plot is all there LOL... there's so much i need to get to

    @Tsundererra: i'm throwing the rest of chapter 1 up all at once and there's 6 more strips LMFAO... about half are lined so far

    aight i've gone into dual-screen mode now i can post and draw at the same time wahaha

    @Tsundererra: i'm doing ok so far... clip's tools and fast fills really saves my ass LOL

    @Kairu: rip my hands and eyes indeed
    but when they come to life i'm like

    claws face the only games i've been playing are cat game and hypmic ARB

    also i didn't have my salad 'cause it was too late RIP

    @Amber Lynne: my thankful ass here like prayer emoji

    @Kairu: HEHHEHEHHE yessss

    @Peachy: thank youuu

    @Amber Lynne: i'm excited for the new items ayyyy

    that is also fair 😂
    which ones have you had? :Q

Posted in ♥ how many letters do you have? ♥ Posted 5 years ago


Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

    this just makes me think of the person that went around a grocery store licking ice creams and then getting arrested
    that shit normally won't fly but especially now it won't fly

    on a related note, what are your favourite noodles!!!

    i love udon and rice noodles (the wide flat kind!!!)
    also crystal noodles

    yummm can't go wrong with that option!!

    my quarantine meals have been noodle soup 90% of the time because i'm so lazy hfhfhdhg

    we have curry roux... should use that eventually

    @Tsundererra: yessss i'm a masochist so i'm doing my comic in full colour 8D

    hehe thank you :D