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    wrangle that cat gogogo

    e u should throw a cat over each shoulder and become cat dessert lord

    the fami chicken is surprisingly juicy and not in a good way

    i had fami chicken with their sad excuse of a salad for dinner one time 'cause Struggle Meals
    it was good enough LOL

    i never saved my all-white aotw avatar sfjhjhg

    i miss konbini food yo
    still thinking about the konbini tiramisu i had

    wow e



    yeah we will be able to


    yo i want cake
    i want tiramisu
    i want PUDDING

    i think once they start releasing the event items the jigsaw will start working LOL

    that blur is disgustang
    it's all photoshopped i'm just ughhh
    don't have the originals to fix it either ew

    >:3 multitasking!!

    exciting cat news... hope they feel better

    yeah e post ur cats