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    ya you were asleep

    also congrats on baby

    i planned out another panel properly and now im like. do i wanna line it or sleep

    everyone was like 'GOTTA GO FAST' and 'WHAT'S THE CONVO' 'idk it's just fast' 'GOTTA GO FAST'

    we went so fast people were getting thrown around

    we'll never beat that one crazy sonic fast sunday

    and double post as much as we can lmfao

    we're so close yet so farrrrr


    and yes i see that
    omg will we make it

    hello i emerge from drawing

    for a bit

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

    yeah working from home = brunch only

    what the fuck isc

    isc once sent me a PM for something or other i forgot
    something like 'hey do this for me' and i was like bro wtf...

    he and dekk both gave me weird vibes and usually those vibes turn out to be correct lmao

    wait is case iscariot
    i never really liked him lmao

    solia drama was hilarious ngl
    even though i was caught up in some in hindsight it's still hilarious