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    i joined during the halloween event, then there was the xmas event, and now this one |D
    i'm still pretty noob but i know my way around avatar sites pretty well haha

    since like... last november?
    i was site-hopping and then found this site haha
    it was under development last time i checked and completely forgot about it until then

    yeah this event really was unique, they put so much work into it |D staff here are gr8

    ^ same

    @Kreatura: oh maybe
    this event has just been a flurry of posting haha
    it's good that you joined in time to get the items~

    y'all are invited to my hangout when this forum does close ;3

    oh i mean the event forum haha

    i have limited attention span for multi threads right now |D hhha

    when is this forum closing down anyway...

    also this CSP brush i downloaded is so fun to draw with... omg

    haha its ok
    thats why i'm only in this thread--

    @Lilykin: silent screams

    @Totalanimefan: F

    also F @ boba

    why are hands so hard to draw even after 20+ years of drawing
    google search

    i caught it pre-edit heheheh

    @Totalanimefan: wrong thread again LOL