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@star2000shadow: awww <3 glad you feel like you are at home here :3
1 more painful hour!
2 more hours or work for me!
8 more pages :0
Posted in GOT IT! THANK YOU! Posted 7 years ago
Did you get it already ?
Posted in Voltra's Price Guide - Updated 4/14/2018 Posted 7 years ago
@Luffer Nutter: what do you hard? Lol
The more shops the merrier :3
I’m so happy :3 I just got $62 cash back from my credit card lol. *hides* hopefully I get that into my account by October 1st.
@Reanna: It just total and me lol, that's not fast. XD
I won't be able to chat for a few hours after this, I will be working hard at work.
Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots! Posted 7 years ago
@Zach: Are you buying event items? XD
@Totalanimefan: Maybe in the future, not next year. XD
I need to save a lot of money for those kind of trips.
@Reanna: Hello, dear <3 Awww, you are a teacher? :D
I want to go to Europe and visit a bunch of countries, then I want to visit South America countries.
@Boss Rimi: Yeah, Manda Panda and Me, we were posting like mad to get those to page 50.
Then you need another 50 pages to get a re-color lol