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Posted in Velvet's Design Boutique [Autumn Block Party] Posted 7 years ago
@Halestorm: If I have my people to post, we can get to there in less than 30 minutes XD
We helped make 2 threads moved to page 50 in less than 2 hours....and one was at 16 pages..
@Totalanimefan: I need a long ass vacation~
Posted in WOW Posted 7 years ago
@Dotty: I know what site you are talking about, I was going to try and join that, but I'm not much of a pet person....I never really like those pet sites, it just not my thing. I know they have avatar feature too, but It's mainly about pets. It looks really fancy and well put together, that's for sure. Yeah, chatting is not for everyone, some people just want to be left alone sometime and not have to socialize with other people. I can be like that here and there. That's true, I have a friend too who said he wants more features on the site because he's getting tired of just posting. I am also looking forward to the marketplace.
I want to sleep some more XD
Maybe, and I feel so exhausted even though I was sleep for hours. XD
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Does that mean you have an account? XD Since I can't access it.
Posted in Velvet's Design Boutique [Autumn Block Party] Posted 7 years ago
Can we make it to page 25 for new pose?
1 more page to unlock a new pose!
We need to get to page 25 for new pose. <3
I need to find a sugar daddy or a husband.
We should start getting this thread to 25 pages.
Why do we have to work? T.T I just want to enjoy staying home XD
Posted in WOW Posted 7 years ago
@Dotty: I get where you are coming from :D I was like too for a long time...until Voltra opened XD I didn't really care to do chit chat with other people because I was so busy in real life or have things to do that are more important that posting online. Now, I try to make some times for it...I don't need to, but I want to get in touch with some of my old friends again...most of them are on here right now, and I haven't seen them in a few years in the Avi-verse.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Good morning!