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That sounds lovely! I can't wait to get some ink done by you!
Hehe, get a room :D
I can't see my heart XD
Yes, and dragon is Vyctor's number 1 lover fan.
I have a heart?
@Vyctor: Where did you get all those tattoos?
*huggles* We still love you, mdom. XD
@mdom: You won the raffle XD
@Vyctor: Glad you come to join us! <3 You are so smexy.
@mdom: You need to do it one more time XD
@mdom: Accept the trade, silly.
@Totalanimefan: No, I came home from a mini
adventure with my bestfriend.
@Totalanimefan: I cancelled the last trade.
@Totalanimefan: I just got home, pretty tired.
You are welcome ^^
Posted in Fun Fact: Cost of commons [Updated 2/9] Posted 7 years ago
Too expensive! D: XD lol