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@Totalanimefan: If we have event currency, we don't have use our volt XD That's a huge plus! I think it's better if the items already come with the re-colors, instead of purchasing everything separately. You will get a lot of sweet cakes. XD I already have too much sweet cakes, so I'm just going to wait to open next month items. 25% chance now until event end, it was 15% and I still won a lot.
@Totalanimefan: You need about 15k for all the event items...or maybe even more, depending on how many recolors they release because of the contests. I think it's not motivating enough for a lot of people. D:
5 more days D: That's a close call.
@Totalanimefan: OH yeah haha XD We are so behind in timezone.
You can use Saturday, that's the 30th.
@Totalanimefan: Yes, before October 1st. :D So like right before it turns 1st.
My mule is adorable :D
I'm too lazy to draw XD
Posted in Fuu's Sock Puppet Show|Now Livestreaming! Posted 7 years ago
I want one :D <3 Panda ^^
OMG, I posted from my mule lol XD
I'm just floating by, I'm not even posting that much anymore. XD
@dragoness129: I wasn't paying attention XD *high fives*
@Totalanimefan: You are posting fast!
I'm good, gonna go out in a bit :D