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My brain is not functioning right now XD

I am also drawing september raffle right now!
I need to make a new post for a game.
@Reanna: It's so boring D; I can't do it!
@Unicorn: You won page 600 (#14) Congrats <3
Yes, that mean I don't have to go :D
That's true!

OMG I have been disqualified from Jury Duty tomorrow!!! :D
I will be adding a new game in a bit, I just go home and have to settle down first.
@Concentricity: I'm not sure if this is a good idea though D:
Seems like everyone are trying to make the sticky threads move for more items XD

@dragoness129: You can do this! <3

@Reanna: Hey there ^^ Welcome!
@Ginji: Hey there sweetheart <3

@dragoness129: Yes, I'm so excited ! <3
I am home now!! :D I can finally edit the thread and stuff.

@dragoness129: This is a small event, they are doing that for the next event (big one).
@Baz: Thank you so much, love. <3
@Totalanimefan: lmao yes :p
My goal was to hit page 1,000 before October.
I’m not buying any yet, just Incase they change their mind.
Posted in Caro's Block Party Hangout Thread Posted 7 years ago
I am here :)
I am currently trying to move this charity to event forum :) so don’t freak out.