Poetictorment's posts
Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Keo: I can tell just by how you speak! :)
I'm sure! *^*
I suppose! My mom has the same allergy so it might be genetic or something.
Yes, a few times and I tend to get over it in about a week and a half. (no longer than two weeks) And the shot was way worse. The rash stays for a month... I can't stand the itching. The only other one I had a major allergic reaction to was the Gardasil shot. And the nurses talked me into getting two out of three even though it recommends you not to get it if you show any allergic reactions to the first one. It was very close to sending me to the emergency room. It was almost as bad as my poison ivy allergy, which closes my throat up. *^*;;
I know but it's good to be hopeful. Lmao
Yeah, his poor bum got the worst of it.
Aw, I hope you get some rest but I'm glad you're going okay!
And OMG that's gorgeous!! *^*
I can show it off in my thread, right??!
And I'd love that! But no rush if you do. *^*
I'm sure! *^*
I suppose! My mom has the same allergy so it might be genetic or something.
Yes, a few times and I tend to get over it in about a week and a half. (no longer than two weeks) And the shot was way worse. The rash stays for a month... I can't stand the itching. The only other one I had a major allergic reaction to was the Gardasil shot. And the nurses talked me into getting two out of three even though it recommends you not to get it if you show any allergic reactions to the first one. It was very close to sending me to the emergency room. It was almost as bad as my poison ivy allergy, which closes my throat up. *^*;;
I know but it's good to be hopeful. Lmao
Yeah, his poor bum got the worst of it.
Aw, I hope you get some rest but I'm glad you're going okay!
And OMG that's gorgeous!! *^*

I can show it off in my thread, right??!

And I'd love that! But no rush if you do. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Keo: Lol Yeah, 60 would be more comfortable. It's been in the 50s here lately (sometimes 60s) Then we get 20-30s for our nights. *^*
Oh dear! At least everyone's not sick at the same time. (It sucks sooo much)
I hope you feel better! I tend to take antihistamines to help dry everything out during colds. XD
That's good! I'm glad he seems to be avoiding it!
It's surprising how well it helps little ones sleep. I'm not sure! From what I've seen between me, my siblings, and other family members, it tends to not affect them when they get older because they get an "immunity" to it. But each person is different so it could go either way depending on him and how his brain is wired. Like if he has adhd then it'll probably still calm him since it's a stimulant, it mimics the effects of the medication stimulants used to treat ADHD.
Lol Same here! I used to drink a few cups a day but I dropped it to one or two just so I could save some money... ;;>>
I agree there! I like a mild sweet but that over-sweet stuff it just too much.
Right!? I need them. X'D
Oh dear! At least everyone's not sick at the same time. (It sucks sooo much)
I hope you feel better! I tend to take antihistamines to help dry everything out during colds. XD
That's good! I'm glad he seems to be avoiding it!
It's surprising how well it helps little ones sleep. I'm not sure! From what I've seen between me, my siblings, and other family members, it tends to not affect them when they get older because they get an "immunity" to it. But each person is different so it could go either way depending on him and how his brain is wired. Like if he has adhd then it'll probably still calm him since it's a stimulant, it mimics the effects of the medication stimulants used to treat ADHD.
Lol Same here! I used to drink a few cups a day but I dropped it to one or two just so I could save some money... ;;>>
I agree there! I like a mild sweet but that over-sweet stuff it just too much.
Right!? I need them. X'D

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Keo: Yeah, it really is. It's a tough decision to make, you did what you thought was best at that time. I fully understand the feeling of heartbreak over it. But at least they're healthy and loved.
I have an allergy to some ingredients but the only one I really avoid is the flu shot. But it's because I have a worse allergic reaction the shot then how bad the flu gets me. XD
Well, I hope they last as long as possible! *^*
Oh, that's great! And yeah, it'll let you use most brands! We were stuck with one or two only, it sucked when the store was sold out. *^*;
Lol Then you'll have a lot of options on there.
I'm doing much better! How about you??
@Gatorlec: That's part of being a parent (well a good one) I try not too, that's for sure. I did sign it so whatever they said to me then did make sense to me at the time so I do accept part of the blame. Even if I don't remember what they said, I was coherent enough to sign. I just try to make up for it by doing better for him. I feel I might be a bit too overprotective now though. ;>>
I have an allergy to some ingredients but the only one I really avoid is the flu shot. But it's because I have a worse allergic reaction the shot then how bad the flu gets me. XD
Well, I hope they last as long as possible! *^*
Oh, that's great! And yeah, it'll let you use most brands! We were stuck with one or two only, it sucked when the store was sold out. *^*;
Lol Then you'll have a lot of options on there.
I'm doing much better! How about you??
@Gatorlec: That's part of being a parent (well a good one) I try not too, that's for sure. I did sign it so whatever they said to me then did make sense to me at the time so I do accept part of the blame. Even if I don't remember what they said, I was coherent enough to sign. I just try to make up for it by doing better for him. I feel I might be a bit too overprotective now though. ;>>

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Thanks. I felt horrible for kiddo. It makes me feel like I failed him but I know they shouldn't have had me sign anything while so out of it. *^*; But at least he's healthy so I suppose it could have ended up worse.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Oh, I'm glad it worked out then. *^*
Much better! :) How about you?
Much better! :) How about you?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Oh, I suppose that it helps. I didn't realize they did pictures for them. XD But I don't get legos. *^*; Oh no! That must have been rough. Sorry you had issues (and stuff stolen)

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Yeah, it really messed with me. I had nightmares for a really long time about it. *^*;;

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Keo: Jumping in with your's and @Gatorlec: convo for a sec... I fully understand the circumcising issue. You're not alone there. I was on major painkillers right after giving birth when they convinced me to sign, needless to say, I was heartbroken when I realized. As for the anti-vax, I only support those who physically can't get shots for medical reasons.
And not a problem! We had to learn the hard way and didn't switch to it until later. I suggest trying out different diapers and find one that works the best for your LO, we had to avoid some as our kiddo has a bit of my perfume allergy. =^=; But it was majorly worth it in the long run. I dunno on the amazon stuff, I know their prime does tend to do that though so it might be worth looking into or buying in bulk when you can. I wish we had an aldi's nearby! I would have done that as well, their prices tend to be so much cheaper.
Oh.. That makes sense! XD That must be nice. *^*
Lmao, I'm sure! I know you sound head over heels for the LO. <3
And not a problem! We had to learn the hard way and didn't switch to it until later. I suggest trying out different diapers and find one that works the best for your LO, we had to avoid some as our kiddo has a bit of my perfume allergy. =^=; But it was majorly worth it in the long run. I dunno on the amazon stuff, I know their prime does tend to do that though so it might be worth looking into or buying in bulk when you can. I wish we had an aldi's nearby! I would have done that as well, their prices tend to be so much cheaper.
Oh.. That makes sense! XD That must be nice. *^*
Lmao, I'm sure! I know you sound head over heels for the LO. <3

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: XD I'm bad at reading instructions, they always tend to use a bad front for dyslexia readers... *^*;;
Lmao How cute!
Thanks! I'm doing much better today. :)
@Keo: I wish I did!! By the time I found my phone they had moved. (I did take a picture of their new sleeping pose but it wasn't as cute)
Lmao I believe it! I've lived all over so I've lived warmer temps at winter. (It was nice for me but I freeze all the time) Our weather keeps jumping around. the other day it was freezing and today it's nice enough for light clothes. =^=;
...Yeah, that's true. *^*; My cats just deal with it or hide. XD
Lol That's what I'm dreading. I tend to be the last one to catch it but I stay sick much longer. This time he seems to be the last one... He's been coughing but hasn't run a fever yet so I'm hoping it's just allergies...
It actually has the opposite effect on little kids! It makes them sleepy/calmer. So kids with add/adhd tend to do way better with a bit of coffee throughout the day since it helps them calm down enough to focus. The only downside is by starting them out so young tends to make them immune to the wake-up effects adults tend to drink coffee for... Like it has zero effect on me but I'm addicted to the taste. ;;>> My mom started it to help kiddo sleep actually, he had a severe case of insomnia and he started losing weight because of it. So cue the oatmeal cereal and a spoonful of coffee with his bottle. My great-grandpa was the one who got me started on tea! My mom loved plain sweet tea but grandpa had the hot teas. <3
Whichever one you feel like doing! You can surprise me. Lol
It's just a set of ears from the Modz shop!! (Big Pointy Ears are what they're called.)
Lmao How cute!
Thanks! I'm doing much better today. :)
@Keo: I wish I did!! By the time I found my phone they had moved. (I did take a picture of their new sleeping pose but it wasn't as cute)
Lmao I believe it! I've lived all over so I've lived warmer temps at winter. (It was nice for me but I freeze all the time) Our weather keeps jumping around. the other day it was freezing and today it's nice enough for light clothes. =^=;
...Yeah, that's true. *^*; My cats just deal with it or hide. XD
Lol That's what I'm dreading. I tend to be the last one to catch it but I stay sick much longer. This time he seems to be the last one... He's been coughing but hasn't run a fever yet so I'm hoping it's just allergies...
It actually has the opposite effect on little kids! It makes them sleepy/calmer. So kids with add/adhd tend to do way better with a bit of coffee throughout the day since it helps them calm down enough to focus. The only downside is by starting them out so young tends to make them immune to the wake-up effects adults tend to drink coffee for... Like it has zero effect on me but I'm addicted to the taste. ;;>> My mom started it to help kiddo sleep actually, he had a severe case of insomnia and he started losing weight because of it. So cue the oatmeal cereal and a spoonful of coffee with his bottle. My great-grandpa was the one who got me started on tea! My mom loved plain sweet tea but grandpa had the hot teas. <3
Whichever one you feel like doing! You can surprise me. Lol
It's just a set of ears from the Modz shop!! (Big Pointy Ears are what they're called.)

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: I can agree there! XD They don't sell cool stuff like that here. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Oh, that probably makes it more difficult. Doesn't it?
I'm not good with stuff like that. *^*;
Yeah, getting over the crud! The flu/cold that's going around had everyone at my hubs work sick like two weeks ago.
Hubs got over it with the fever end of it in three days then I ended up sick. I takes me a bit longer to get over this stuff so... *^*;;
I'm not good with stuff like that. *^*;
Yeah, getting over the crud! The flu/cold that's going around had everyone at my hubs work sick like two weeks ago.
Hubs got over it with the fever end of it in three days then I ended up sick. I takes me a bit longer to get over this stuff so... *^*;;

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Welcome! You did a great job.
I'm okay! I can finally breathe again.
How about you?
I'm okay! I can finally breathe again.
How about you?

Posted in The Fat Cattery [Come on in!]
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Dude! Those are cool! XD
@Keo: Yeah, wic is super helpful! If you guys have a dollar general, I super suggest the coupon thing.
It saves a lot on wipes, diapers, and such. *^* Plus that Saturday spend $25 get $5 off coupon helps.
I'm sure that helps! Since we live in a small town our stuff tends to be overpriced. *^*;;
Lol I wish I had friends like that! XD I'm pretty much solo here...
I do thrift shopping too but the sale was literally 50% off then an added 50% off so they were $2 to $3 a pair. ;;>>
Oh no! X'D Well, the good thing is- there is no such thing as a spoiled baby, only much loved. XD He loves his family.
@Keo: Yeah, wic is super helpful! If you guys have a dollar general, I super suggest the coupon thing.
It saves a lot on wipes, diapers, and such. *^* Plus that Saturday spend $25 get $5 off coupon helps.
I'm sure that helps! Since we live in a small town our stuff tends to be overpriced. *^*;;
Lol I wish I had friends like that! XD I'm pretty much solo here...
I do thrift shopping too but the sale was literally 50% off then an added 50% off so they were $2 to $3 a pair. ;;>>
Oh no! X'D Well, the good thing is- there is no such thing as a spoiled baby, only much loved. XD He loves his family.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 5 years ago
@Gatorlec: Hi!! That's alright~ No worries. :)
Cute dino!! (And kitty)
@Keo: I about died laughing cause how terrified the other two looked.
But they were too happy when she cuddled. They are cuddle fiends. XD
Oh wow! I'd love it to be warmer here... I hates the cold. >//<;
Lmao That's so bad! Miss Kitty loves kissies and boops.
Ace and Knight just prefer cuddles or full-on being held.
Right? I got it from hubs this time. Kiddo has been lucky and just had a bit of a cough.
Aw... My mom started him on tea and coffee early early like she did me. I threw a fit but he loves it too much now.
That's true! If you don't mind, then I'd love one! *^*;
Do you feel up to doing the teacup coffee/tea kitty? Or you can do my avi from here?
I'm not good at picking so which ever one you feel like doing. XD
Cute dino!! (And kitty)
@Keo: I about died laughing cause how terrified the other two looked.
But they were too happy when she cuddled. They are cuddle fiends. XD
Oh wow! I'd love it to be warmer here... I hates the cold. >//<;
Lmao That's so bad! Miss Kitty loves kissies and boops.
Ace and Knight just prefer cuddles or full-on being held.
Right? I got it from hubs this time. Kiddo has been lucky and just had a bit of a cough.
Aw... My mom started him on tea and coffee early early like she did me. I threw a fit but he loves it too much now.
That's true! If you don't mind, then I'd love one! *^*;
Do you feel up to doing the teacup coffee/tea kitty? Or you can do my avi from here?
I'm not good at picking so which ever one you feel like doing. XD