Poetictorment's posts
Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 3 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Lol I wouldn't mind if it was a dress-down thing. But I heard most are dressing nice. XD
I have no idea! I don't even know what time... *^*; I'll find out later tonight supposedly?

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 3 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Lol Right?? And whats worse is he knows I don't have dress-up clothes, I mainly wear pjs or workout stuff since I'm home all the time. At most I have one pair of nice slacks, a dress, and a blouse. The skirt looks more like a sporty skirt but it's better than the dress. And it'd be too hot to wear the slacks. I'm just hoping I can make a nice outfit out of nothing. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 3 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Lmao Yeah, my SO knew about it for a while apparently but forgot to tell me so I could get what I needed. I'm literally tossing together an outfit and just bought some stockings cause our store was sold out of leggings and I only had a skirt that'd work for "dressing up" and there's no way I'm not gonna have my legs covered with my allergies and being fully out in the country. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 3 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: It's getting there! I was gonna work on getting my bicycle all fixed up this weekend but I got thrown for a loop and told we're going to a wedding tomorrow! So I get to relax tonight cause there's no way I want to overdo it. I'm not fond of crowds so not sure how easy this'll be. XD

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat)
Posted 3 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@The Monster: At the moment, no. But I was thinking of collecting some cans, painting them black, and trying a string to it and putting it where they're sneaking in at! I've also changed all our curtains to blackouts so they can't tell when we're up or not. We're also rearranging the yard so it's more difficult to sneak in too so there are some trip hazards when it's dark. And a lock on the back gate so can't get close to the house except for one way in now but when we finish up the new fence, that'll stop that.

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Same here. Lol Seems like the event is almost over so I might not be very active for a bit!
I got a lot to do the next while. *^*

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Right? Maybe they'll be people selling some in the forums. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Yep! It'll probably stay a really popular one. It's way too cute. lol

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Yeah, it's pretty nice if you're lucky. lol

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Yeah, I know it's a chance thing. I'm just not sure on specifics. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: The crates let you pick one of the two and you have a chance of getting the rare as an extra, I think?
It might just be for the bundles. I don't tend to donate, I just sell art for items or the coin things so I'm not 100% sure. *^*;

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Yeah, that'd be nice! *^*
Looks like the new donation items dropped. They're cute.

Posted in Poe's Event Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Rei Ann: Yeah, it'd be used pretty often. I dunno which one I'd like to win though. I think they're all really cute ideas.

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat)
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@The Monster: Not at the moment, unfortunately. I'm trying to get a trail cam to set up where they keep coming in at but our electric bill was higher than we were expecting so I got to wait a bit until we have a bit of extra cash. For now, I'll just keep doing what I have been.