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Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, fully understand that. *^*;
Yep. I'm losing sleep over it since I get up and check everything over.
I'm probably gonna curl up and watch something wholesome like the Moonimvalley to help me forget for a bit.

Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: Oh, I didn't feel like you were at all! Sorry.
I think I just needed to rant... It's been a stressful while. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I figured a paper trail is a good thing so if something does get damaged I'd have something. *^*;
I'm really trying! We're taking a lot of precautions since I don't want kiddo more traumatized. :/ I go out and walk the property with a very bright light often during the evenings. (Only when SO or neighbors home) And my SO has been checking everything too. We'll be getting the privacy fence finished soon so it'll be harder for them to get in the yard and sneak up. And we put a lock thing on the gate so it's more difficult to open. Oh, I know! But living paycheck to paycheck doesn't really leave anything for cams or lights. I'm getting things set up so within the next two-ish weeks, we should have enough for at least a set of motion lights! My SO really doesn't know how to budget, he's so used to paying all in one go, and with a kid, you can't do that.
Ah, must be a dirty chai then. I know chai flavoring tends to be pretty popular here so I figured it didn't have to be tea. XD
Eh, it's Sonic so they don't have gluten-free options yet. At least they didn't? It's been several months since we've been able to eat there.

Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, we don't want to point fingers. We just don't know anyone else who has an issue with us, she is the only one who hates us. That's why we hadn't done anything yet until we could get proof but it's slowly getting worse. So I'm going to file a report with the police and just ask them to drive by in the late evenings. I've already given my family a heads up cause she's been spotted driving by and going onto their property as well. (She really scared my sister's neighbors kids) And they very accurately described her. I'm not sure if they called the police though.
Nope. I need to look into game cams or lights like that for sure. Our biggest problem is affording it and I just took over the budget to fix that issue. So hopefully I'll get it all fixed soon so I can grab some cause all we need is a bit of proof... *^*;
They really are. Though I'm not sure there's any tea? I think it might just be chai flavoring in coffee. XD
Yeah. I really miss getting the cherry lemonade and chicken sandwich. It was my go too but it's not like I can eat much gluten anymore anyway.

Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: Yeah... Where's pretty sure it's either my SO's sister "trouble" (the one we had to fight for our home with) or one of her friends.
Our biggest issue is no real proof. It's like awful pranks with no mess and I haven't been able to catch them on video yet since it's always at dark. :/
Thanks. She's thinking about staying in the town she's at now cause they allow one pet and she needs her support animal. (small dog) Otherwise, she'd move to our town cause they have more staff on hand but they don't allow pets so she doesn't want too.
Yeah, their food tends to be really great most of the time. I've only had it once where the food was too salty. And the coffee is always good. They let us mix in any flavor we want so there's like snickers flavor, caramel apple, ect. I love their dark mocha with coconut rum and their chocolate chai is awesome.
Yeah, my only issue with sonic is we can't go since "trouble" works there and I don't want spit in our food.

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@The Monster: No worries! I haven't been on much either.
Been frustrated cause someone keeps harassing us so my mind's been elsewhere.

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@KittyBeary: Yeah, I'm not that lucky. I wish I didn't... I always leave mine somewhere. Last time it was in the fridge. XD

Posted in Poe's Event Thread Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@Totalanimefan: No worries there. I've been busy trying to get info on the assisted living place for my grandma and trying to figure out what to do about who has been trespassing on our property. Friday they opened our gate and slammed it, Sunday they banged on the windows, and last night they messed with the pickup.
Yeah, we have a small air show for the minis. It's nice watching them fly.
We have two home-country food places (good), two amercian/mexican places (both ok), pizzahut (too greasy), taco mayo (good), and sonic (ok) for the big ones. An Asian place that it's only open on specific days during school hours (they are the coffee place too) So I go to it often. (very good) XD
Then there's a pastry shop that does a meal of the week but they are really pricey... (not good)
Including the gas stations, there's a mini subway (okay) and hunts brothers pizza (very good). And one of them sells really good country fried foods!
And the grocery store sells hot meals to go. (good) There's also a health smoothie/juice bar that opened recently but I haven't been there yet. *^*;

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@The Monster: Walks are nice for sure. But yeah, fully agree on the allergies.
Oh, for sure. I can't wait. XD It's been way too hot to do anything.

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@The Monster: Yeah, bad parenting on their part. But true. Eh, still worth a try. I know I enough them cause they're tomatoes. XD
Right? It's still pretty hot here during day time. So I can't wait for it to drop more. It'll let me do more cleanup outside without overheating.

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@The Monster: Yeah, overly hot. I'm so glad it's starting to cool off, at least in the evenings.
Only a little melancholy. I do miss them but it doesn't make me very sad since I know they'd want me to be happy.
Yeah, if you like fried foods! And they're not hard to make. Though it depends on what area you're at for what kind of recipe.
That's not very nice of them to yell at you for it. *^*;

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@KittyBeary: Right? And lists only help if you can remember where you sat it down at. XD

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@The Monster: Lol Right? And it cools off just right. *^*
And yes! I love fried green tomatoes.
That makes me miss my ma and da and their wonderful cooking.

@CooperationIsKey: Ah, yeah. That's a tough situation. Maybe sneaking off for a meal would let you get some?
Lol All tomatoes are good. But fried tomatoes are a country dish that needs to be savored.
They taste so good on a sandwich. Man I miss eating stuff like that! XD

Posted in Planting Seeds (come chat) Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Lol Yeah. We haven't done tomatoes since.
I think if we do grow them again we'll do fewer plants cause we had enough to feed an army with what we had.

@The Monster: Eh, I have a weaker immunity so I'm used to it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. *^*
Yeah, we mainly used them fresh since we couldn't get canning stuff at the time.
Otherwise, I would have made sauces and such cause pasta was one of my favorites.
Rice pasta doesn't quite taste the same so I miss it. XD