Poetictorment's posts
Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: I'll def try it. *^*
Avi creation! He's constantly changing clothes in it and I keep having to help him earn bells.
Oh okay. XD I tend to do that. lol

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, very true. *^* Lol That sounds like a smart idea.
I might have to do that cause OK weather really doesn't stick. (Like my weather app just says cloudy but it's thundering atm) XD
Yeah, he got set up this christmas thanks to my mom and sis. So now he just likes doing local play, which is fine but sometimes he freaks out cause I'm busy and can't play too. *^*;
Okay, that makes me feel a bit better. I've only added a few since I'm not super active but I'm super forgetful... about everything honestly. X'D

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: True. I know when I lived by the gulf it was okay as long as there weren't any hurricanes. *^*;
Lol Yeah, we tend too. The weather app is 50% right most days but it helps a bit.
Win10 updated where it constantly displays the weather so it's easier to check now at least.
No, he loves it too but he has his own copy now thanks to my sister! So we don't have to fight over that one. X'D
Oh, okay! *^*; I forget whos who since I play by myself most days. (Sorry)

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: Oh, yeah. Probably muggy there too.
We're panhandle so our weather changes throughout the day. (Like Tigernado '15) Lmao
He's been playing the Mario games and Legoworld on Switch. And Robox on my SOs Xbox.
Oh, I've heard those are pretty good games. XD
I have ACNH. I've tried to play the Mario games but kiddo snags them. lol

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: Atm, video games. X'D
It's been rainy so he hasn't been able to do much.
And we walk so can't really go anywhere. *^*;

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@CooperationIsKey: Lol Yeah, she feels much better.
Poor cat hadn't eaten much those few days so she mows down when she can now.
Oh. Good luck then. XD Hopefully it'll be a good one.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: It was normal for him though. XD
He was when it first started. Now I think he's just bored of being home. lol
Yeah, our town isn't super big so they managed it really well.
That's not bad either for the larger areas. I know the cities tend to have a lot more. *^*;
(But they also didn't really follow the mask rules either though.) lol

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: Oh. Our schools let the parents choose what was best for their families.
(The whole town had very strict guidelines as soon as covid hit our state.)
Kiddo has an IEP so we thought he still needed in-class.
They have a special small classroom just for the IEP kids tho so only a handful of kids in that class. *^*
There were only two? weeks where we had to do the online classes and he did okay then.
As far as I know, we haven't had a case in town for months.
In our county... There might be a few since it's like 8 towns total?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: Oh, that's good! I'm glad things have started to go back to normal for yall
Things have been pretty normal here (but really small town) XD
My kiddo and SO are doing good. I think the kiddo is missing school atm tho. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Totalanimefan: I'm doing okay! Been busy.
How about you?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@CooperationIsKey: It took a few days but I'm about caught up again. *^*;
Yeah, I woke up to it everywhere. Not a good way to start the day. lol
That's good. XD Oh, was it any good?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@CooperationIsKey: No worries.
Yeah, it tends to be the norm but this was worse overall. XD
I had over 6 loads of laundry. Extra-large washer/dryer size loads.
(Thanks to my cats...) *^*;; Cause one peed on my clean clothes.
And another had a bad infection we had treated at the vets.
(Vet warned us it'd pop, just wasn't expecting it everywhere)
Today was calmer at least. I did get some bad news, not much I can do there though.
Lol Almost missed it then. Sorry about the panic attack, those aren't fun.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@CooperationIsKey: Oh, that's good. :) Good luck with setting everything up.
*^*; Eh, it's been busy... I'm trying to catch everything back up.
Yesterday was a really bad day. X'D
How about you?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@CooperationIsKey: Oh, I hope they got back to you. *^*
That sounds really fun, honestly! And the little tanks look really cute from what I've seen.