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@Dowan: Aww thank you! :D I really love making tiny pixels.

@Reanna: Oooo yay! Thank you for filling out the form! :3 And yeah, if you could choose a Google font instead that would be awesome. For the free ones I'm just trying to avoid making any graphics so having ones I can import gets around that issue. I wish DaFont had local font files so we could import them like Google!
@Dowan: Maybe I'll have to pick it up for our PS4! I've heard very good things about this recent installment. ^^

@DeimosPoe24: The savings struggle. D: I hope you come back soon, though, when you can! :vanora_heart:

@Aly: Yeah, the psuedo-classes can always help. Maybe I'll just offer them for now until we get a better option. xD At least then I can do a couple extra fun things. ^^ Once I had a profile with like 8 custom sections so it got CRAZY trying to get it all worked out. >< Anyway, have fun with your uni stuff!
@Dowan: I haven't played the Persona series at all but I've heard about how good it is. I really should try and get into it but I never know where to start. xD
@Dowan: I just looked at what you've customized and omg it looks awesome! I love the darker color scheme you went with. ;D
Posted in I broke my phone yesterday... Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: The town I grew up in was about 3,000 people. xD I moved up here for school and stuck around afterward, but we're constantly growing so I wouldn't doubt it if we have one eventually.
@Dowan: YES! I love seeing others try out coding. ^^ There's so many different possibilities, especially with how Fozzy and Baz have named everything.
Posted in I broke my phone yesterday... Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, that makes sense. Our city only has around 163,000 people so it's not quite big enough yet.
@Aly: Yeah, that's always a good workaround for now. ^^ I just hate taking away the ability for people to use bold within the custom content sections if they wanted to. xD Unless they're like galleries or links only or something. That's along the same line of what I did for my link list in my profile, since it was just links and no other content.

My DREAM would be actual div blocks we could use, but that's always a stretch. xD
@Mica: I know, right? Way too many for us. xD And thanks! You too. ^^

@okios: I hope we get nestable quotes soon so I can offer custom sections. >< I want to make art galleries and fun extra stuff! I'm doing ok, just relaxing for the weekend. :)

@Dowan: Thank you so much! :vanora_heart: Feel free to stay and chat in order to save up if you'd like. ;D

@toxxic: Lol, that's the true struggle. Figuring out what you actually want is always harder than creating the code for it. ><

@Reanna: Great! :D I'm looking forward to you being back. :vanora_xd:

@Aly: Ahhhh thank you! <3
Posted in I broke my phone yesterday... Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh, that makes a lot of sense why you'd have quite a few stores, then. xD
Weird! I'll look into it when I get back from my errands. ^^
@Zach: Sounds good! I should probably head off to. Got a couple errands to make. xD See you around, and good luck with your Magic tourney!

@Mica: We have about 150 people or so. Much smaller than one of my friend's weddings. >< She has a huge family so they had like 300-400 people! No idea how they could afford to feed them all.
@Mica: Good luck with your coding! :D It's so much fun to mess around with when you get the hang of things.

We kinda surprised our parents and family with how traditional we went with our wedding. xD Everyone expected some sort of cosplay or nerd-themed wedding but we went pretty elegant with some rustic themes. But we did end up adding in a couple tasteful nerd things, though. We have Lord of the Rings champagne glasses and "just married" signs. Plus our first dance song is from a video game. ><

@Zach: Oh my gosh yes! I totally remember you. Yeah, life can definitely get in the way when it comes to avatar sites, but at least when stuff starts calming down it's easy to get back into them.
@Lynne: No problem! Have fun customizing. :vanora_smile: