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Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Oof x.x
Thank god I was born when the computers existed already. I will lose my shit using those.

Well I decided to practice cursive daily now and do those dreadful exercises. At least it gives me something to do during this lockdown.
Here's my first one:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Yeah in a way I'm grateful I learn it you know. I tried to write some cursive right now and I take it back, I forgot how to write some letters in cursive. My mom was laughing at me when she saw it and was flexing her cursive to me, it looks so nice and neat TAT

Wow! That must be hard, I probably would've have done the same too if I didn't move to Canada. But thank god we didn't live a time when the typewriter only existed. My mom mentioned before using those were tough, you can't make a lot of mistakes with it because from what she told me erasing errors with it wasn't easy.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Back home in the Philippines I was drilled to learn cursive around my first grade and so on. But I never had the natural talent to write neatly compare to my twin brother. He can write cursive pretty good. By the time I move to Canada we weren't really required to learn cursive here and I know so many who can't write it. So I can still write cursive to this day and can read it. I just chose not to yep unless writing for signatures and I always end up apologizing to the person when I do hahaha. Is that bad lol

Wow, your cursive must be really good! I remember my wrist hurts everytime I write cursive in a long period of time.
Oh btw did you ever have to rewrite a sentence over and over again for like in 2 pages in cursive in school before. I dreaded those exercises so much Dx
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Yep yep~
Oh true I can write cursive too just not aesthetically.
My cursive is just terrible
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Koah: Lmao we're the invisible kids in school lmao.
My teachers only mentions that I don't engage enough in class and that's it hahaha
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

Interesting questions I just noticed them. Lemme try to answer some of it :3

Question: Of the four event items released so far, which one is your favorite and why?
Sugary Spiral, the very first one. The background is just my aesthetics and I want to do a scenic avi for it

Random Question: What old school skill set do you have?
Ummm... the ability of not being noticed by the teacher when asking for answers by seating at the very back of the class xDD
I was a very shy and good kid. I'll say teachers don't always notice me 55% of the time.

Posted in Today's Server: Virgil Frost Posted 3 years ago

Virgil is tough one but he's an interesting character
So far every chapter was smooth sailing but I've made several mistakes on this one. Idk how many more mistakes I can make that I end up redoing the whole chapter again TwT

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Very true, my second attempt was a lot better because I know what I need to draw and improve but even then my work file got buggy everytime I try to save it I think I know why because I never really work on a transparent template before and maybe there's something I'm doing wrong but yeah... I think that's my only reason why it's buggy.

Yeah it doesn't snow this hard on April often here too but it's not the first time tbh. Canadian weather can be so bipolar often ugh. And my morning is going well so far. I never had really early morning showers except today and it feels like a nice way to start a day :3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Nope I couldn't save it T^T
But I manage to redraw most of what's lost. Idk if Krita is being buggy or is me.

And it's April... what the frick! OAO
Anyways how's your morning going Wild.

Posted in How Many Sugar Cubes Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: I'm so very upset I'm in the verge of crying. I was working on decorating my cupcake for this event and all of my two hours of work is gone. Idk why but Krita didn't autosave my work.

I was really happy how it turned out and idk how to recover my work. I'm just so upset right now.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: YAAASSSS
Sounds like a good jpop/girl band name (♡◕ω◕♡)
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Yeee screeee
*headbangs while chewing some bubblegum*

I'm done and now my back kinda hurts.
I feel old T^T
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Lol that was what I'm aiming for. She's a twin sister of my other previous avatar.
I name the other one Strawberry Sunrise and this one Cotton Skullcandy.