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@Wildfire: I see, my apartment is a mess too at the moment, because we were going through a lot of stuff and there's someone coming over this coming Monday to inspect our bathroom tiles (they were some falling off before even covid started)

But I ended up crashing real hard around late afternoon and fell a sleep too early per usual so yep. I hope our day today will be stress free also TwT)/

But for now I just need my coffeee

@Wildfire: Well I'm having a pretty busy Saturday so far, mostly housework and going through some stuff that needs to be given away and cleaning them. Turns out we have a looot of spoons and forks and other kitchen utensils that was stored away. Had to wash them all TwT But yeah I wasn't stressing at all, probably because I had a good decent sleep the other night.

Is not so humid anymore here too.

@Wildfire: I see that's nice break from all the humidity you got there :3
Well it just rain a little bit here but it's mostly cloudy atm but not that humid today.

I'm just having lunch right now. *noms some pb&j sammich*

@Wildfire: I honestly want some tiramisu too, one that's straight fresh out of the fridge =q=
Yikes we switch climates then xD Is going to be another humid day here but is gonna rain a bit later though.
Thank god

@Wildfire: Thanks! :3 I hope your having a great day so far as well~
We're having a heat warning right now. Is very hot and humid atm help TwT

@Wildfire: Yep I'll be off too.
I think I'll have a small nap then get some stuff done around my apt afterwards.
See ya guys~

@Wildfire: Yep mostly laundry related but I'll be mostly relaxing today and avoid anything that require to lift heavy stuff as much as possible. I don't know why, but I woke up this morning and my right upper arm is very sore, I think it may be how I was holding some laundry bags incorrectly yesterday. Not sure :/

Well I hope you get a lot of stuff done today and if not, no worries :3

@Wildfire: I'm doing good so far ^^
How's your day going?

Good morning everyone ^^

@Wildfire: Yep is the cups and small bowls for me e.e
Yep... Walmart feels like I'm entering a new planet and I'm the foreign alien kinda vibes for me xD

Walmart vibes xD
I feel that

@Wildfire: Ugh yeah but it will be worth it in the end. Damn dishes is taking awhile to dry tho I had to resort to wiping some of them e.e

@Wildfire: Hmm is been kind of productive for me too. I've just been washing the unused dishes that's been idling on the shelves for gawd knows how long. Drying them is a hassle and mop the bathroom floors that I despise so much =w=

And now is lunch and I'm beginning to get hungry, I guess is time to eat some last night's leftover dinner xD

@Wildfire: Thanks ^^
How are you today?