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@Mica: I don't react baaad either I just would like a heads up. I don't react kindly to surprises...
@Mica: Its nice to know some things are still the way I left them *sighs in relief*
@Mica: She would make a damn good she staff too??
@Dowan: Is there a list of new staff so I don't get any more nasty surprises?
@Dowan: yeah her entry was cute...your surprise "yeah I have a purple border, no big deal" was not :vanora_unamused:
@Mica: That's only because you procrastinate silly! Did you get Photoshop installed yet on your new computer?
@Dowan: you mean her art contest entry or your heart attack-inducing promotion?
@Mica: yeah, I found out by stalking the art contest...why don't you tell me these things! You are always just hai..whats up? *snuggle snuggle hugs* These are the conversations we need to be having dammit!
@Mica: I dont take surprises well...*shakes Mica's spectral body* anything else you hiding from me?!?!
@Dowan: Back when they were hiring I was like "oh you should totally go for it" you were like "uh maybe..I dunno" *meeble meeble* and now you are actually hired?! Why are you trying to play it so cool all the time?!
*mind blown*
@Dowan: You are staff!?!? Why you no tell me sooner?!?!
@Mica: or some cold mist like dry ice?
@Mica: *hold scythe at awkward angle while getting snuggled* careful with your surprise hugs! I might accidentally cut you!