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@Dowan: I think living with a cat though and being around it 24/7 is alot different in terms of levels of exposure, as compared to say a 30 min snuggle with a kitty every couple of days...
@Dowan: Haven't got allergies from this cat yet. I get it usually when I clean dust and dust is basically human hair and dead skin cells so ....I am allergic to humans?!?!
@Dowan: That's not my cat though...thats the neighbor's cat
@Tuijp: I haven't had a cat in 5 years and I still get occasional allergies so maybe its not the cat...
@Mica: So the story goes like this:

I went to the doctor with severe allergies he asks me "do you have a cat?" I say "yes", he says "do you sleep with the cat?" I'm like "thats kinda personal but yeah I do."
He gives me meds and says "get rid of the cat." I say "No, eff you!" then he says "Well then I'll be seeing you again"
HE NEVER TESTED ME, I may not be allergic to cats at all...
@Mica: I lived with a cat for 10 years or more...I dont think they are THAT deadly.....though I never seen a hoard that big.
@Tuijp: Oh my god yaaaaaay! They looks like little white balls of deadly cocaine!! /dies
@Tuijp: You are now. Sorry not sorry
@Tuijp: Tuuuugghhhyiip. Tulip -.-
@Kenome: Mica and her sister are like the queens of sweet pastries. All hail their sweet Highnesses.

@Tuijp: Tuuuhhhyp? Type?
@Mica: oh I thought the bat was part of it...sleepy brain..gotta go to bed sooon
@Mica: I like the bat better than this one
@Mica: ooooh preeettyyyyy
@ghost: sssh there is a rhyme war going on *watches intently* here grab some popcorn *hands you popcorn*