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i'm just... i had a bad week. and this was my night i usually go out with friends and relax with no kids and that didn't even happen. and so i'm kinda on the break down and cry point. and i just kinda want to drink and mope.
i may or may not stay up to continue posting and helping get to that beautiful page 1000
30th is now for me. its almost 1 am. i'm angry and still awake :D
when is the end of the month. 30 or 31? *thinks* 30. nvm i answered my question.
the funny thing is... my cousin always forgets my birthday. when we turned 21 he was all "i'm turning 21 this year. how old are you?".... I'll be 21 dude... same as you.. just 3 weeks later. "oh yeaaaaaah" /facepalm
i have a tantrum starting...
er... i meant to say that i don't remember it saying anything about ohms.
it said something about you still being able to purchase the event items a couple days after the event ends. til the 10th i think it was
i don't bother mentioning unless someone asks for it to be a thing.
yay for july!! my cousin is 3 weeks older than me (july 4th) my mom and my aunt called each other and were like "are you sitting down? i have news" "no YOu should sit down cause i have news" "we're pregnant!"
that's why i said his birthyear cause i saw that post to and was laughing
nothing wrong with feeling younger than your age :D
july 26th 1991 :P and my husband was born in 87 xD
OMG you guys are 9 days older than me!!