Shadami's profile
Shadami Sha/female

Equipped Items

I'm from the state of New York, so far from the big apple that i've only been there once in my life. It's not exactly a day trip away. I started my online love of forum sites with neopets back in the day and when it started going down hill and I got older I discovered gaia which... well ... took the same turn. I still loved the idea of an amazing avatar forum though and so one day I stumbled upon Menewsha. Since than I have joined many various sites where you can find me as Shadami, chatting it up and enjoying the friendships I make and the general beautiful art that is avatars.Maybe a bit of a pack rat with items. I love collecting them all so that I can sit and play with them in all kinds of different ways because I can't do such a thing in real life. I'm not a rich person, and I'm a complete failure at sewing so I can't hire people to make clothes in my style for my size. I'm working on changing these things so that one day I can achieve my dream of living out my own style off the computer screen. But I love that avatar communities let me be who I am.

Sorting things, having things nice and organized, trying new things, avatar sites, friendly people.
I don't feel I should fill this one out other than coffee.
Paint, Draw, Crochet, Write, Dungeons and Dragons, Video Games, Reading, Swimming, Magic the Gathering, Board Games

Hi Sha!! OMG I'm so happy to see you T_T<3<3
The haiku was nice. Thank you! :'D
Woo! I put a Trick item in our trade! Thanks! ^.^
I will try, if I aint in too much pain
Well she must have been eating great, but that is very good to hear.
Your so very welcome, is she a little peanut?