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Posted in [Requesting] 1x1 Khajitten's Search Thread Posted 7 years ago

Fantastic. I'll get started right away. I just need a quick stretch break from the computer. (If you want to take a look at my already made first year you can) Nadiya Rookwood, my first year Hufflepuff. ^-^

Otherwise I'm off to make 2 new profiles and add to my growing collection of HP characters <3

Posted in [Requesting] 1x1 Khajitten's Search Thread Posted 7 years ago

Trust me. I have so many tabs open and conversations going on across multiple sites right now I'm constantly double checking as well. You're good.

This is a link to the journal thread where I am compiling my Harry Potter characters at as well as the information that I've been working on for awhile for the world setting. I'm putting the rest of the years up as well.

And I believe what we had decided was we each make a couple characters (I'll probably do one male, one female to start with) in their first years?

Posted in Buying and Selling partially Updated 11/7/20 Posted 7 years ago

I have restocked my shop and upgraded the list of what I am looking for. Thank you.

and thank you!!! I'll complete the trade than ^^

oh really? :O Well i put 3k in already. is that okay? ^-^

Posted in CLOSED Posted 7 years ago

*about to get all excited and share all the Harry Potter roleplay characters she's been making in a future Hogwarts.. sees Snape* OMG SNAPE!!!

Well if you do remember let me know. THe DS ones have peeked my interest, but not enough t buy yet cause i know nothing about them.

Oh you didn't have to. :] that just means they'll be in the common room together as well. And share labs. Which i guess is a pretty big bonus :3 I didn't mind that your two were in Ravenclaw ^^ (I'd make even more characters if I didn't have some restraint and be like ALL THE HOUSES!!!)

Oh I will get the rest of the 1k i have left to go for the snuggle bunny. i didn't expect you to put it in yet <3 thank you

@Rhys Luna Emweise: I would love it! :D I don't have any of the new pretty hairs yet.

You're quite welcome ^-^
I like to organize my things. bad habit or something i suppose :3

You can, or you can just link to it if you would like. I'm probably going to put the other years schedules in there at some point as well now that I'm turning it into a journal. xD

thanks! :D this future Hogwarts has been really fun to develop. I just leave most of the professors pretty open + other staff. We can always start roleplaying anytime as well. I'm just filling in my profiles now is all.

Okay please say you have one of the hairs left. i have 2k again and I want the hair. xD I'm also trying to post up a storm to get another 2k for the snuggle bunny :3