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Posted in The Surge: Happy Anniversary! Posted 7 years ago
RIP i almost forgot but
Happy anniversary Voltra (and all Volties)!!

Also those sets are amazing ;o;
Not sure if it's just me but the vermillion top won't layer over any skirts, only pants o:
Sorry if this has been posted before and i haven't noticed it yet but i couldn't see it in the list. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in 5 Positive Things Of The Day Posted 7 years ago
1. I've got a day off today
2. It's finally raining
3.Lightning too, hoping for some more light shows in the evening
4. nice food
5.I really like voltra's ''night mode''
Posted in ~Siron buys~ Posted 7 years ago
@Nalightful: You're an angel omg (please ignore the irony when it comes to avis oops)
But i've been looking for them since i joined ;o;
So thank you once more!!
Posted in ~Siron buys~ Posted 7 years ago
@Nalightful: Ahh, thank you!! That's really sweet of you ;o;
Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
Good luck questing!
You've been making quite some progress, haven't you o:
Also cool avi!
Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 7 years ago
'Jigolo har megiddo' by ghost (acoustic version)
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 7 years ago
That amazing hair, for sure!
Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 7 years ago
''Lost one's weeping'' (jubyphonic's cover) :')
Posted in Surprise party! Posted 7 years ago
I agree with the rest, I'm sure he will love it! ;o;
This sounds absolutely amazing!
Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 7 years ago
'Wires' by The Neighborhood
Posted in Can it be October? Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I wish :")
Ah well at least there are some people here that decorate their house
And they'll play more horror movies on tv so I've got that going!
How about there, do you have any specific Halloween traditions? ;v;
Posted in Ethical/Moral Dilemmas!! Posted 7 years ago
Oh this is really neat, so let me see...

Answer no.1
The ones I'd be willing to keep would be the ones in good health with usable skills such as survival, hunting or with certain professions such as doctors etc. Who knows how long we'll be stranded?
And if the situation allows it, maybe a child, as they use significantly less supplies and have a whole future ahead..
The ones who would have to go would be, the ones who volunteer, the sick and elderly (with not particular skills) and people and people that would be a risk to the group for example overly aggressive/paranoid etc or people who would, for whatever reason, take up way more of supplies than average.
I hope that that would cut it.

Answer no.2
Hmm, it would be a tie between just kill all of us. If I were to choose morals over logic/ survival.

Or idk, honestly children are interesting when it comes to their way of thinking, I might even be willing to explain the situation to them
(shame they're young so I don't know till which extent they'll be able to understand this)
Maybe one will even say they'd be okay with saving the other. And I would honor that.
(reminds me of the story of the kid who had to donate blood or something for his sister and thought it would be fatal for him but did it anyway??
not sure how much of it is true but I can see it happen.)

Do I know there would be no way for my kids to know that they would act that way?
I'd, unless there is another factor i did not take into account go with the first born and pull a '' just look at the flowers'' on the other.
I'd ask the other to leave the area and tell them to wait for me.
Or maybe go with the youngest since they won't remember as much.
I'll have to know my kids first.

Nothing personal, really tough choice though. Hard to decide if you're not actually in mentioned situation, hmm.

Answer no.3

Is it possible to make the gas, make some kind of cure in secret (I mean it was mentioned we were geniuses)
Distribute second in secret (or tell people to evacuate if it's too far fetched) and use it in our own county kill off the government from the inside out?
I mean, yes with the risk of me and all dying if they catch me but hey, if I don't my family is saved, and so is the rest, might even end the war.

It's still early idk if I'm making sense, RIP , but it was some nice food for thought, good topic!
@Quoth the Raven: Ah it's okay! And are talking solo written stories or in the form of rp'ing (maybe both?) o:
Vampires, make great characters, especially with so many takes of them you can easily make an unique vampire oc.

I usually find it hard to pic on in particular because some of my oc's kinda form this clique and It's hard to imagine them without each other.
One of my all time faves would be this angelic being who's name is my username, but shortened :')

That and her human counter part (long story, i still confuse myself with it) together with 3 of my apocalyptic oc's which would be:
A jolly, big, merchant named kenny, a very grumpy 'mercenary' named Leo(nardo) and this adventurous lass named Aki(ra)
But there's quite a lot I love dearly, even though not all their stories/ barely any are on paper.
I'd be cheating if i went on to create a list of my dearest haha.
However I just keep making them mistake of having everything in my head and never writing it down, rip.
Honestly, I make way too many, but it can't be helped.

How about you? Who is/ are your favorite(s)?
Is it, by any chance, a vampire?

And the dog sounds adorable! ;o;