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Posted in Good morning! (: Posted 6 years ago
i had to get blood drawn super early this morning, yuck! but now i'm at home, and ready to waste the rest of my day online and cuddling with my dogs!
Posted in ITS MAH BIRTHDAY! Posted 6 years ago
happy birthday!! glad you're at least working at a non-stressful place, and hopefully once you're done you'll be able to spend some quality time with some close family and pals!! have a wonderful day!
Posted in What's the story behind your username? Posted 6 years ago
my name is kurt and i play the ukulele and i really like puns and wordplay

not really suited to my avi either, since i decided to make it my main OC rather than myself
Posted in What’s Your Fursona? Posted 6 years ago
Mine's a deer named Fawn that I'm actually planning on using in a children's novel series I'm creating, not unlike warrior cats or harry potter.

he's trans like myself (a transgendeer, if you will) and since he was born without antlers he gets branches and makes his own every day with lots of lovely flowers. he's an aspiring alchemist but he usually ends up knocking his potions and ingredients all over the place since he's scatterbrained and super clumsy with his big ol' flower antlers.
Posted in henlo Posted 6 years ago

@ukurtlele: oh man don’t panic and dirty work are awesome omg
since my favourite song is weightless u would think i like nothing personal the most but i’d say either future hearts or last young renegade >~<
also when i last saw them it was for their young renegades tour and they did a whole opening set for nothing personal, dirty work, and don’t panic and it was AMAZING

i also just noticed u have a danisnotonfire quote?? well i GUESS its just Dan Howell (edit: not howeel) now but u know.

god weightless is so good. i remember bumping that back in my emo tumblr days. forget about it is a forgotten gem.
Posted in henlo Posted 6 years ago

@ukurtlele: henlo kurt uwu
i relate to the owl city part, ive seen all time low 3 times and own all of their albums! i don’t have a tattoo of them yet so u beat me there LMAO

my girlfriend and i were just bopping to ATL the other day in the car. don't panic is my fav album, but dirty work is a close second. how about you? any lyrics you're planning on getting tatted?
Posted in henlo Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: Hello Kurt! Welcome to Voltra. Hope you enjoy your time here
Any interesting facts?

Hi there! Fact: chytridiomycosis is a fungal disease currently devastating amphibian populations and is the largest contributor to the current amphibian extinction crisis.

@ukurtlele: welcome to voltra. Hope you like it here. ^^ enjoy the event~

Owl city was my shiet when I was younger lol.

right? you should listen to the album he put out last June, Cinematic. it's boppin and the tour was rad.

    Hello and welcome :) which country is the northernmost country? Svalbard?

I wish. I'm from Canada, which isn't even the furthest north but that's my favourite way of saying that I'm from Ontario LOL.

@ukurtlele: Eeyy nice to meet you! Welcome to Voltra. :)

nice to meet you too pal!! thanks so much!!


@ukurtlele: hey welcome to Voltra. You are going to fit right in. We would love to have you. Also there is an event going on right now.

Ooh, where can I go to learn more about the event? Thanks so much, I'm really excited to be a part of the community!!
Posted in henlo Posted 6 years ago
hey what's up, i'm kurt, i'm 21 and i never heckin learned how to make friends irl so here we are.

i'm from the most southern point of the most northern country (eh) and i spend most of my time writing lame poetry or learning useless facts from wikipedia uwu

i've seen owl city live 3 times, own all of his albums and have a tattoo of one of his album arts so i guess you could say i'm obsessed.

send me memes n lets be pals!!!