Spark's posts
Posted in You should take a chance on me!
Posted 7 years ago
Could the real volties please stand up? That’s right, that’s all of you.
Now come here and let’s group hug!! Unless you aren’t the touchy type that’s cool too,
I give you a thumbs up. Ah, whatever, thumbs up for EVERYONE.
Well, I may have somehow slept through most of it. It took a reminder from my adorable sister
Frizz and amazing brother, Static: that we are indeed, celebrating our one year anniversary
with Voltra this week. Whew, not gonna lie. I teared up guys!
This is absolutely freaking spectacular and I am absolutely rolling around
in the warm feels and cheers.
We been through some rocky roads and dark alley ways but none the less,
we all found our way. I pride myself in being a guardian of Voltra. Frizz, Static, citizens of Voltra,
we had a bumpy ride but we held on like a crane machine does the plushes!!
....Wait…those don’t hold on well at all…ok I meant the opposite of that! Yeah!
I got a peep at Frizz’s mischievously adorable activity and I HAD to get on this crazy event-train
all the others are doing too! Buckle up folks, the game I have in store for you will literally
blow your eardrums from everyone shouting in unison how AWESOME this all is!

In all my EXCITEMENT I might get distracted and struggle to keep the
claimed numbers updated. But I will do my best, like always!
If the thread is slow at 8pm Voltra time and not all prizes have been claimed, I'll tag everyone who drew bombs to guess again within half an hour! Then the thread will be paused until tomorrow so that I shall get my beauty sleep.
If the thread is slow at 8pm Voltra time and not all prizes have been claimed, I'll tag everyone who drew bombs to guess again within half an hour! Then the thread will be paused until tomorrow so that I shall get my beauty sleep.
My eyes have a tendency to dart around spasmatically when there is lots of cool
shiny things going on, such as all these events! It'd help me tons
if you could kindly use this code right here to submit your number!
First come first serve, so you better rush to get your spectacular, one of a kind Spark card!
ARE YA FEELING LUCKY?: (type your answer here)
WHICH NUMBER DO YOU CHOOSE?: (type your answer here)
Prizes Claimed:
Gold: 1/2 (Snakeweaver)/
Purple: 1/3 RainbowPanda
Green: 3/5
Red: 6/10
Bombs: 15/30
Numbers Claimed:
Numbers not Claimed:
1 5
12 15
21 24
26 28 30
38 40
44 45
I hate to say this, I don't like sending out bad vibes. It should go without saying, no side accounts can participate. If we find a side account participated with a main account to up the chances of winning, that prize will be revoked.
Don't be that guy.

Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash!
Posted 7 years ago
but it never changes the fact that neither of you party better than me.
I wish all the happy warmness in the air would never go away!!!
but it never changes the fact that neither of you party better than me.

I wish all the happy warmness in the air would never go away!!!

Posted in The Surge: Autumn Plasma Orbs!
Posted 7 years ago

Hey babes! Miss me? Because I sure missed all of you! Even if my last broadcast was only a few days ago, it doesn't count unless we go hard in fashion! If you thought the developer updates were exciting, I'm packing pixel perfect previews this time around that will blast your socks off!
Autumn Plasma Orbs!
That's right, folks! It's the 25th and that means the new RIGs are loose! The amazing items barely contained within are surely worth soaring for, let me tell- you know what? Why don't I just show you instead?!
But before we get to some mouthwatering visuals, let's go over a brief recap of RIGs so even the newest city-goer is up to snuff!
What's a Plasma Orb?
Great question, folks, and one I'm happy to tell you about! A Plasma Orb is what's known as a "Random Item Generator", which means once you open this thing it's a complete surprise what you're going to get! Who doesn't enjoy a good game of chance when all your prizes look so good, am I right?
How does it work?
Since my lovely siblings are so considerate, they are offering you three buying options to better suit your individual wants and needs! The Common Orb will be available for just volts while the other two are ohm exclusives. Let's do a breakdown of what each Plasma Orb has to offer, shall we?

Common Orb Autumn '18 / 3000 volts

Centaur Plasma Orb / 150 ohms

Serene Royalty Plasma Orb / 150 ohms
A huge thank you to Elithiya for preparing, distributing, and uploading these wonderful sets with assistance from Fozzy and Lucan!
What are you waiting for? Rush over to OMG Imports to get yours today!

Plasma Orbs can be purchased from Ohm-my-gosh imports.
(If you'd like to purchase ohms, visit the donation page.)
*Reminder: You can wear 2 poses from a single set!*
When will they leave shops?
Plasma Orbs have a shelf life of 3 months! So you have until November 25th to grab Autumn '18 Orbs until they are swapped out with fresh, new Winter '18 Orbs.
Staff Updates
I'd also like to announce that Voltra has a new writer in town, and her name's Millet! This girl's stats are burning paper, but she's even more impressive in person! Get ready for some wild and satisfying action as I hear she's already got a project well underwing.
Don't be shy, and definitely give her a warm welcome when you see her!
Coming Soon

:crate: September Crates [9/1]

I hate to say it, but that's all folks! While it pains me to part from you all after every announcement, the heart grows fonder for next time!
Be safe, and look out for each other always! Spark out.

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News]: Updates+Reminders!
Posted 7 years ago

Hello again, dear Voltra!
It's Spark flying at you with a fast and awesome announcement. Something our poor forums can now relate to! That's right. The lag that was keeping you down is now hasta la vista with no return date.
But that's not all the good news I have to share. While our devs were back there zapping delay, they found some more bugs and squashed those too. Below is a list I was given that points out the changes so far in today's update:
- added/fixed [ hr ] [ list ] [ code ] [ youtube ] bbcode
- added ability to see the main equipped items
- updated the popouts in the inventory to be more mobile friendly & responsive
- updated back-end for faster performance
- fixed forum main page lag
- fixed disappearing posts bug
Whew, that's a lot, and I'm told they may not be done yet! Since I'm admittedly not the best when it comes to technical stuff, we'll be setting up an on-going thread where updates are posted by the devs as they come. Should make it easy to track the changes for all you lovely residents!
Check out the dev log here!

This is a reminder that tomorrow, 8/21, is the deadline for shoe designs!
Head on over and submit your stylish designs, now!

If you've been to Voltra's Discord, chances are you've run into one of the Community Discussions! If not, your chance to tune in and get all the latest news about our beautiful city is coming on August 26th. The discussion will start promptly at 5 pm Voltra time (Central)!
As always, there are fun raffles to participate in!
Raffle 1
Submit a questions pre-discussion for a chance to win a rare set of your choice!
Questions must be submitted by 10 am (Voltra/Central Time) on 8/25 to be eligible.
What do you want to know!?
Raffle 2
Join us for the discussion on our Discord server and post your username in our attendance channel.
At the end of the discussion we will raffle off prizes!
Be there and always be safe, alright? Until next we meet, this is Spark out!
Coming Soon!

:crate: September Crates [9/1]

Posted in The Surge: August Commons
Posted 7 years ago

Spark here, reporting on this wonderful Wednesday!
Why is today so special? - C'mon, Volties - It's a new Common Surge today!
Let's hop right in and see what spectacular new goodies our artists have whipped up.

Item Name | Original Artist | Additonal Artist

Vermillion Shawl | Glume

Nomad's Sash | Glume | Fozzy

Light to Dark Gradient Rounded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Gradient | Fozzy

Dark to Light Gradient Rounded | Fozzy

Dark to Light Gradient | Fozzy

Dark to Light Bottom Faded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Bottom Faded | Fozzy

Dark to Light Top Faded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Top Faded | Fozzy

As always, a HUGE thank you to our Item Technicians Elithiya and Lucan!
Coming Soon!

:crate: September Crates (9/1)

Posted in The Surge: Developer Updates
Posted 7 years ago

Hey good lookin', miss me? It's Spark here once again, transmitting live from Voltra Tower to bring you the latest and greatest in news from our beautiful city. And let me tell you folks, Voltra's been going under some amazing renovations. Let's explore what's new!
Tab Addition
You know those fun little things you can fiddle with and open up to get more things? Yeah, I pay attention when my siblings are crafting stuff!
Well good news folks, they have a new home in your inventory! To better organize your collection, the "Consumables" tab as now been added.
This includes orbs, crates, and goodie bags... Anything that can be opened or used outside of equipping! Speaking of...
Goodie Bags!
You all remember goodie bags right? Those expensive, mysterious little items that get released at the end of every event? Well the wait is over people, they're now live and ready to be opened! YEP that's right!
Each goodie bag can be opened, and you can select one (1) item from that goodie bag's event to be added to your inventory!
I also hear moving forward, this feature will be available in future goodie bag's once its respective event has concluded.
If you'd like to see a catalogue of past goodie bags and the items within them, check out our Item Museum's 2017 and 2018 exhibits!

Trade History
You asked for it, you got it! You can now easily manage your finances and reference past interactions with the newly added Trade History feature! With the simple click of a button, you can view what you've traded, who you've traded with, and when it happened!

Ignore Feature
You know, I love each and every one of you deeply and unconditionally. But I'm also aware there's some people who just don't click, especially with Voltra's ever expanding population. Now, I'd love if we could all just work out our differences and get along, but even a guy like me knows that sometimes that's just not an option.
So after much demand, Voltra's officially rolling out a brand-spanking new blocking feature! If there's a user that you just can't get along with and you want to avoid conflict, this might be the option for you. Of course, if they're actively harassing you or breaking the rules, the moderators are the first people who you should turn to! They have your back and want to keep Voltra safe.
But in a situation where no rules are broken and the only way to maintain the peace is to part ways? This might be your go-to option. Remember, it's on all of us as Volties to keep our community inviting, safe, and enjoyable for all.
This is a lot of power being put into your hands, so use it responsibly alright? Make me proud.

Now onto a lighter topic, let's talk about beautifying our city, people!
Voltra now has theme options! For those of you out there that can't handle the brightness like I can, you can now choose to toggle on the newly improved "Blackout" theme under "Settings". Ugh, I don't know why you'd want to though, I heard it's crawling with imps and agents... If any of them cause you trouble, come to me! I'll handle them!
Ahem... Sorry I lost track of this announcement! Moving on! Right now there's only two options, but with time this catalogue of themes will grow! I've been told themes will be inspired by upcoming Voltra events, how exciting. Be sure to keep an eye out.
(Note: Due to some design updates with the website navigation, some updates to personalized profile CSS may be necessary.)
To help celebrate the release of this new theme, special Blackout emojis have also been added to the roster. Enjoy!

Front Page Update
You may have noticed some blurriness in our beautiful Voltra landscape. Not anymore! It should fit crystal clear to any size monitor. Cool!
Coming Soon
Common Surge (August 15th)
Plasma Orbs (August 25th)
Voltra's First Year Anniversary (Sept 1)
A huge shout out to Hazer for all these updates that he's been firing out, and to the rest of our lovely development team for all their hard work building our city. I can't wait to see what you have coming out next for us!
And a special thank you for tuning in once again, my friends. Until next time, be sure to have fun, be safe, and look out for each other.
Love you Voltra! Spark out!

Posted in The Surge: August Crates & Much More!
Posted 7 years ago

Happy 🐪 Day, Volties!
That's right, it's a new month and boy o' boy do we have some updates for ya.
New crate items, staff info, and development updates await you.
Now let's get into this Surge!
:crate:August Crates Have Arrived!:crate:
Wow, it seems like summer just started, unfortunately it's already August!?
No worries because my siblings have stocked some sizzling new crate sets, adding some more heat to our summer fun!
In all my millennia, I've never seen evil look so good! Look deviously delicious with Zaz La or schemingly handsome with Xogud Split. If you're feeling a bit sweeter, you can always go for the rare set Strawberry Delight making it's second and final return in this month's crate!

Zaz La: By Nebulae
Xogud Split: By Nebulae
Strawberry Delight: By Q t e a p o n
Thank you to our Item Tech, Elithiya for uploading!
Hurry on over to OMG Imports to get yours today!

August Crates can be purchased from Ohm-my-gosh imports for 250

(If you'd like to purchase ohms, visit the donation page.)
*Reminder: You can wear 2 poses from a single set!*
*Strawberry Delight will be switched out with a new rare set in next month's crate.*
Check out A Guide to Voltra Crates for more information.
Smiley Update!
To pair nicely with the sparkling new CIs, we have their unique smiley counter parts!

are now available in the smiley
Thanks ghost

The new guy!
Let's give a warm, Voltie welcome to our newest addition to the Voltra staff and Dev team, Hazer!
We're so glad to have him aboard and he's already got some updates for you all, stay tuned!
Ask a Writer - Voltra AMA
Do you enjoy writing? Maybe RPing? Voltra's writer position might be just for you!
Interested? - Well, our writer Dowan is here to answer any questions you might have about our open writer positions OR just Voltra's story and characters in general.
What do you want to know?

As always, make sure to clear your cache first if the website looks wonky or doesn't show the updates.
If that doesn't resolve the issue, please contact our devs or make a bug report.
Home Page Update:
Our home page got a small layout update with the fun, new carousel!
No, you can't ride it, but you can watch the pretty pictures go by.
This new feature will have previews and links to all the hot gossip around Voltra, after I report on them of course!
Thanks Fozzy & Vii
Forum Update:
The new guy really hit the ground running!
Sadly, we did not add a new camel emoji to our ever growing Voltra emoji collection...

but we don't have too!
- Profile Bio
- Profile CSS
- Forum Format
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Hobbies
- Messages
- Forum Posts
- Forum Signature
- Comments
- Profile CSS
- Forum Format
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Hobbies
- Messages
- Forum Posts
- Forum Signature
- Comments
So what does this mean?
Now you can do things
Isn't this update 🔥💯🔥!?
Thanks Hazer
Shops Update:
The minor bug that made some colors appear as doubles in shops has been fixed!
(If you notice any colors missing from shop items after this fix, please inform us here.
Thanks Hazer
*[youtube] BBcode Temporarily Disabled*
We have temporarily removed the function of our [youtube] BBcode.
This means you won't be able to add videos to your forum posts for now.
No worries, it should be back shortly after we do some debugging!
Official Voltra Item Museum!

Just in case you missed my spectacular interview with Bernard, I wanted to mention our brand-spanking-new, Official Voltra Item Museum!
It is staff run and acts as a catalog for all non-common items (ie. Crates, Events, etc). So, check out all the pretty items and figure out which ones you want to quest for next. :bernard_happy:
Coming Soon!
August 15th - Common Surge
August 25th - Autumn RIGS
September 1st - Voltra’s 1 Year Anniversary
That's a wrap! Hopefully all these fun updates hold you over for the rest of the week.
After all, it is🐪 day and that means you're already half way there - I'm sure you can make it!

Posted in The Surge: Official Voltra Item Museum!
Posted 7 years ago

Hey folks! Spark here once again, and I have a little scenario I want to run through with you.
What's This?
So you go to your friend's profile and see them sporting some poses reminiscent of your boy Spark, but you're left wondering what that item's called! You're also curious about possible recolors and any other poses you might be interested in.
That's a lot of info you and I are missing out on because sometimes even I see some digs I got a hot thing for, and what are we to do?

Well, look no further than the Official Voltra Item Museum! Spankin' new and brought to us by the technician Elithiya, the massive thread features image previews of all poses in all recolors for every item released! Barring commons of course. Yup, you heard right. So now we don't have to guess at how an item's recolor looks, or ask that same friend for details.
But that's not all the Item Museum does, and now we'll be throwin' down with our very own Bernard for more info. Bein' the good bug he is, I hear he helped with compiling data, gathering image URLs, and writing content. Pretty dang impressive for just a bug, but then again I'm just a bird, and I think I've done enough solo squawkin' for one hour.
What's the museum for?
It serves as a staff-run item directory! It'll give you info on all the items released on Voltra thus far barring any commons of course.
Does it feature image previews?
Yup! All the items have had their poses, original and recolored, painstakingly pasted within the museum for your viewing ease.
How do I navigate the museum?
The museum breaks down item origins by page, and features a directory on the first post. Each page features a directory for easy navigation throughout the museum. For example, click on 2017 Crate Items to go to page 2 where all the crate items released in 2017 would be located.
What other stuff can I expect to see?
Most items in the museum will have their initial price featured. If a crate was discounted, the discounted value will be noted. For milestone items and misc. items like spontaneous holiday grants, their price when they were put in the shops will be provided.
Links to relevant announcements will be provided as well. For example, you can view the Surge that accompanied the 5k Milestone item release.
One Last Question...

... And that's straight from the bug's mouth, more or less! May have added a bit of flair here and there, but the info's accurate as I can fly. Oh, and feel free to ask any questions or click here to visit the museum's feedback thread to get more specific help or leave a comment. I'll be at the museum and I hope to see you there, too!

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News!]: 400k Milestone!
Posted 7 years ago

Whoa, what was that!? A speedster?
Oh.. NVM, it's just you Volties posting at the speed of light!
400k Milestone Item
Yes, you posting maniacs have made it to 400k posts!
Why not slip on some Frizzy Slippers?

Thank you, Fozzy!
From what I hear, they build up so much friction you really can move at the speed of light!

Snag some extras from OMG Imports through July, 30th!

Next Milestones
I wonder what awaits you a the 500k post milestone?
Also, don't forget about our other milestones, 1500 members & 100 users online!
Invite your friends!!!!
That's all I have for you today on this magnificent Monday.
Hope you all have a great week, see you around!

Posted in The Surge [Breaking!]: Event Winners & Raffles!
Posted 7 years ago

Happy Friday, Volties!!!!
To add to the enjoyment of the weekend's arrival we've finally got the votes tallied up for those wonderful sandcastles y'all built on Breaker Beach. I also heard of a raffle - read on to find out how you can enter and win some rare crate sets!

Frizz was so proud to see all the effort put in to decorating your sandcastles. It was a hard choice deciding on the winner, but at last... *drum roll*
The winners have been contacted and prizes will be granted shortly!
Congratulations and thank you to all that participated.


As mentioned in the previous Surge, Fozzy and the gang will be hosting a Community Discussion at 12pm Voltra Time (Central Time) on Sunday, 7/22.
As an incentive for giving up some time out of your day to discuss all things Voltra, there are 2 raffles you can participate in! Yes, double the chance to win some fabulous prizes!

Raffle 1:
Join the discussion!
How do I enter?
1. Make sure you join our Discord Server
2. Message "(username) is here!" once in our server channel #comm-disc-attendance
3. Join the discussion in our server channel #community-discussion at 12 pm Voltra Time this Sunday 7/22!
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) July Crate!
One crate will be raffled for every 5 volties in attendance. (ie. 10 volties = 2 crates raffled, 25 volties = 5 crates raffled)
Winners and Prizes will be raffled after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Raffle 2:
What do you want to know!?
How do I enter?
1. Submit one or more questions for us to possibly answer during the discussion
2. Although you're free to ask anonymously, you must include a username to be eligible to win a prize
3. Submit your questions before 10 am (Voltra time/Central time), Sunday 7/22.
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) of the following rare sets: Sweet Cakes, Alice, or Merlantis!
You DO NOT have to be present during the discussion to win a prize.
Winners and Prizes will be announced after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Wow, those are some great prizes! We hope to see you all on Sunday!
That's it for now! Enjoy your weekend!

Posted in The Surge: Commons Update and More!
Posted 7 years ago

Hello Volties,
Today is another exciting day - why? Well, it's the 15th and that means new commons!
I've also got some other things to chat about, so let's jump right in!

A small shipment has arrived to the shops, but darn are these items fulfilling.
Our vacation to Breaker Beach might be over, but you can still strut that beach style at home!


We hope you all enjoyed the festivities at Breaker Beach - I'm sure we'll get a trip next year, who knows!?
Now that the event has concluded all event currency, shop items, and event landing page has been removed.
The winning sandcastles submitted to Frizz's Contest will be announced within the week. ^_^
Lastly, our events would not be possible without the blood, sweat, and tears hard work of our Voltra Staff!
Let's give em a round of applause.
Duck Arm Floaties: Fozzy
Cool Duck Float: Fozzy
Beach Background: Frossy
Seafloor Fashionista: Fozzy
Beach Babe: Frossy
Hula: Glume, w/ edits by Fozzy
Fishing Fanatic: Fozzy
Sea Witch: Ghost
Deep Sea Diver: Glume
Treasure (Goodie Bag): Glume
Vreg's Treeshure: Ghost
Event Landing Page w/ activities: Vii & Fozzy
Site Layout Updates: Vii
Currency: Vii
Event Landing Page
Summer Header: Ghost
Scenery: Ghost
Animated Treasure Chest: Baphomet
NPC Art: Qteapon
Success/Fail Art: Saeyra
Event Threads
Banners: Mica
Event Thread Graphics
Vregory's Treeshure Hunt: Ghost
Frizz's Sandcastle Contest: Ghost
Vyc's Beach Volleyball Tournament: Saeyra
Event Planning: Fozzy (with assistance)
Forum Activity/Thread Writing: Dowan and Ghost
NPC interaction: Fozzy, Ghost, Dowan, Tuijp, Elithiya
Item Prep and Upload: Elithiya, Lucan, and Fozzy
Prize Grants: Fozzy and Elithiya
Lady Luna
Important Notice: All event forum threads will be locked and moved to the recycling bin tomorrow, 7/16. If you'd like to keep your thread, please contact a Mod to move it.

Well, looks like I'll have some free time next week. Voltra Staff will be broadcasting a Community Discussion to share information about upcoming features and answer questions.
Meet up with Fozzy and the gang at 12pm Voltra Time (Central Time) on Sunday, 7/22.
If you aren't part of our discord server, join now:

We're a week out, so prep those questions!
I also hear there is a raffle? - More info to come.

Wowie! What a chatty bunch!
Looks like we're almost to our 400k post milestone - I wonder what treat awaits us!
Coming Soon!

:crate:August Crates (8/1)
August RIGs (8/25)

Posted in The Surge [Breaking!]: Tradeable Event Currency!
Posted 7 years ago

Clink! Clank! CLONK!
What is all that racket?
Oh boy! Our developers are hard at work.
Sorry about all that noise Volties, but it seems we have some breaking news!

Tradeable Event Currency
This comes just in time as there is one day remaining to collect those seashells!
With extensive testing - in an undisclosed area - we can now trade event currency.

Much thanks to Vii for the addition to our trades feature.
Go try it out for yourselves! Don't break anything! :bernard_happy:
Site Currency Symbol Updates
They're.. so... SPARKELY!
I was informed of some very minor changes that occurred to our Volts and Ohms symbols.
They had some work done. From drab to fab! - or should I say Pixels to Vectors?
Anyway, they tie in a lot nicer with the rest of our beautiful city now!
See for yourself.

Thank you Vii and Ghost!
Message from your friendly developers:
Some Volties may have to hard refresh before new updates are visible.
Windows: CTRL + F5
Mac: Cmd + Shift and then press R
That's it for tonight! I'm gonna get back to bed now...
As they say,
Early bird gets the worm!
*Pulls cover over head*

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News]: Event Reminder + More!
Posted 7 years ago

How are you Volties doing today!?

I hope you've been wearing your sunscreen.
Today is more of a summary and reminder, because I'm such a sweet heart, rather than the usual breaking news I have for you all.
No worries, it's still super exciting!

We hope you've all been enjoying your trip to Breaker Beach. Frizz put so much work into organizing all of it, as well as, our friends Vyctor and Vregory who pitched in with the festivities!
We wish we could stay and play on the beach all summer long, but vacations cant last for ever.

You can still enjoy the event forums, find seashells, and participate in the beach activities through 7/14.
Those who participated in the Volleyball Tournament and Treeshore hunt have been granted their event prizes! We still have some time before judging begins on all those fabulous sand castles.
A few new items were unlocked during the event:

Treasure (Breaker Beach '18 Goodie Bag)
Each user was granted x1 for free. Can be opened in the future to select the EI of your choice!
Purchase extras for 100 Seashells.
Thank you Glume.

Vreg's Treasure
Participants granted x1 for free.
Purchase extras for 125 Seashells.
Thank you Ghost.
Even better, Seashell drops have increased!
Event Forum: 4-6 Seashells per post
General Forum: 3-5 Seashells per post
Game Forum: 0-2 Seashells per post
Emoji Update!

Wow, the gang and I have never looked so good!
This update to our unique collection of Voltra emojis brings you nearly 300 new emoticons inspired by your favorite NPCs, Crate Items, and Events.
We hope these emojis will bring your posts and chit-chatting to the next level. Much more to come!
Huge thank you to our talented illustrator Ghost.
Staff Updates
Welcome two new friendly faces, Vengeance & kcalb, to our Mod team!
Coming Soon!

:crate: August Crate Items

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News]: Firework Celebration
Posted 7 years ago

*Bang... Bang... BOOOOM!!!!*
This just in! - Don't be alarmed citizens of Voltra. No, that's not a thunderstorm on it's way to Breaker Beach, but more a cause for celebration!
Here at Voltra we're all about celebrating who we are and where we come from.
A great way to show off your pride, no matter what realm you're from is with a Big Bang!

Big Bang x1 has been granted to each users inventory

Thank you Fozzy!
You can purchase extras for 500 Volts OR 25 Ohms in OMG Imports through 7/14.
Enjoy the rest of your day Volties ~ And to those celebrating, be safe!
Spark out!