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Posted in Hiiiii everyone Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: meh we're borrowing some money from the roommates mum tomarrow so we can have food so I'll be good tomarrow. we had fish for supper 'nods' sure they where small peices but its pure protien haha. and 'does happy wiggle' ALMOST to 3000 volts im at like 2400 right now so pretty soon can go and get one of the orbs. and WOOT won 50 ohms from todays chest thing from the floating ship..
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
'pokes head into thread and looks around'
Posted in Hiiiii everyone Posted 6 years ago
@Dread Pirate: just had some protien, my body was working its way through it, when i don't eat wellf or a week or more getting real food tends to make my body pull energy i don't ahve to digest the real food, unless theres a lot of it, and then i go back to being normal. and im sleepy but not tired yet 'shrugs' slept a lot today, more like cat naps but still.
Posted in Hiiiii everyone Posted 6 years ago
shakie, sleepy but here, and yourself?
Posted in (Complete) Posted 6 years ago
I'd buy one if i wasn't already trying to earn up to get the orb to begian with haha.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: yeah i hear you on that one, i spent most of the day in bed under blankets or right infrontof theh eater.. 'shiver' good news is i almost have enough to buy my first 'common' orb..

just a 1000 short 'nods' and YAY the roommates cooking dinner so i dun have to 'does dance'
Posted in The music from League is dope Posted 6 years ago
-_- Whoa.. and now i have more music to look through and listen to those first two songs are so my favorite but i like all three of them ..
Posted in Hi all i'm d3bug Posted 6 years ago
@d3bug: your very welcome 'nods'
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: 'shrugs' I've told him the same thing but she is his mom i can see where his reluctance not to help her comes from. I'm hoping now that its winter it'll tapper off..
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: yeah, it's..annoying. and whats even worse, while they can sit and take forever getting tot he car, if he does it the times they come pick him up so he can drive them somewhere they can't drive themselves, such as his sister has poor night vision so she always has him drive her places she's going at night, or his mum's not to good on bridges so she sends him to duluth when she needs somethign fromt here.. its jsut..maddening. sometiems i go with to make sur ehe stays awake but if im asleep he doesn't like waking me up to go along with him.
Posted in Hi all i'm d3bug Posted 6 years ago
and i sent you a nose and mouth, i didn't know what type of eyes or hair you wanted but i can at least sends you those two items.
Posted in Hi all i'm d3bug Posted 6 years ago
@d3bug: Hello and welcome to Voltra Bug 'waves at' I hope you find it as fun as i do.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: its not that i don't like them, its how they treat him that i don't like. they act like he's at their beck and calla nd it just. angers me because if he tells them he's tired and needs sleep, they bully him into getting up to drive them good lord knows where. its.. frustrating. 'shrugs' and his brother is just..the dude steals from people, and is rude as alll get out. so i really don't like Russel. i like his mom or i'd like her better if she didn't guilt trip josh into doing things he doesn't want to do. 'sigh' ah well. i don't say a lot to him about it because well their his family. and he lets them get away with that so really its also his fault to. but i can be outraged on his behalf anyways.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: Yeah i get the feeling she doesn't work the fourth of december which is why she's giving it to me early. and me to. i mean im not a fan of joshes sister but she's a lot more tolerable then his brother who's a complete jerk 'nods'.
I'll probably start looking up christmas slash winter gifs again haha. i do love me some christmas and its nothing to do with gifts it just feels so..magical.