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Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
star2000shadow: that is true, I hope that today's weather with it being Monday and all that it is a bit better.

So agreed, 'rubs face' especially since my happy floating feeling has gone away 'sigh'
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: True. It does get to be a bit nuts. Too many ideas and not enough written material. Lol

So how goes your weekend..
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: Fair enough =)
I write more than I read now, lol

witing it is fun to i just had to stop as im not to consistent. i get to many ideas so 'shrugs' much better to read.
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: Oh? I'm not really one for Fanfiction anymore myself. Used to read it til the death of me. Lol

hmm i always enjoy other peoples stories and ideas for fanfiction 'shrugs' and its not like i don't read books to. im a major reader.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
star2000shadow: it has been crappy out all day it is stormy and has been non stop rain since last night. so cold and gross out, but I am okay just tired and cold.

ha we have the same weather. awesome. well not in a good way but at elast we're both miserable together.
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: My day's goin' all right.
How about yours?

is going good, nice and mello and i mean mellow so im happy.
also doing a fanfiction devouring 'nods'
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
well that's good to know 'nods' so how went your day?
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
star2000shadow: I know we still have to reset our bedroom clock but thankfully phones do it on there own.

Yeah im used to my clock forever being wrong anyways 'shrgus'
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: Fair enough =)
and thanks ^ ^

your welcome, how went your day.
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago
'pokes head in interestedly' hello
Posted in Mimikyu Event Hangout Posted 6 years ago

star2000shadow: Yeaaa I would have to be drugged. I had my
gallbladder out (As like everyone in my town basically does too, I think it's the water)
and I straight freaked out till I was passed out.

hmm i dunno if mine's out or not 'shrugs' not that i really care haha. so how goes yoru day?
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
Bill Cipher:

star2000shadow: I feel you. Pain in the rear for anything manual. Part of me doesn't want to bother because it'll be set back again eventually.~

true i still ahve tor eset my bedroom clock, and frankly, just don't care enough haha.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
star2000shadow: I'll have to probably reset my computer clock, But thankfully my phone does the clock change on it's own. I am really tired right now.

@Interstellar Fairy: it has been along time for not seeing that movie.

hmm my clock does that on its own..
thank god for cell phones resetting themselves haha.
Posted in Chibi Stars | Halloween Sales | FREEBIES Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:

star2000shadow: That entirely depends on who kinda characters you like.
My avi ended up developing into a character myself, so I had to ask XD

Meh 'shrugs' I'll thinka bout doing that but otherwise no she's not based on a character.. and your avi is pretty interesting.