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Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago

hmm i need to find more halloween gif's to share.. how goes everyones morning?
Posted in Halloween at Hogwarts - Posting Game Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Dragon's Hallowed Halls Posted 6 years ago

@star2000shadow: The item is Xogud Split, it was a DI I think 2 months ago?
I love any item that makes me look like I have freakishly long arms. c:
ahh okay ..yeah i must not of been able to donate, i have a lot of items to get 'sigh' ah well. just leaves me with something to work towards.

@star2000shadow: Well, it is 1am and I just woke up, so.... better than yesterday so far :D
Hows you?

I'm okay, having fun making avi's with the new items. can't wai tto see what we get for tomarrows items.
Posted in Dragon's Hallowed Halls Posted 6 years ago

Hai everybody!
*sips coffee*

Hello Glume, how goes your day.
Posted in Star's Quest Posted 6 years ago

up dated the thread, added a few orb items i saw listed in someone elses thread as items I'm after..'wanders off back to event'
Posted in Dragon's Hallowed Halls Posted 6 years ago

'pokes head back in blinking sleepily' I'm loving these items.. and what is that, that gives you the long weird arms Crowly.. its kinda awesome.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago

@star2000shadow: thank you for understanding?

@Shadami: Ooh is that so -giggles-

@Bone Wench: Ooh wow she is an old lady.
my kitty is missing right now I think the snot
next door nabbed him.

@dragoness129: sorry for my late reply and hopefully everyone enters.

um i got lost when talking to you didn't I. sorry, but um i do understand and wish you tons of luck.
Posted in Community Event Item Avatar Closet~ Posted 6 years ago

I generally go to look at the commons and end up changing my avatar in that situation - though I probably shouldn't and just earn the volts to get what I need instead

i do a mix of both, its why i made an mule avi, that way i can send all the extras there, and sell them off slowly, while also keeping money there so i din't spend it all to bad i used what i had managed to save up for the last avi haha. ah well.

These event items are just so awesome
I keep making new avatar @_@

I do as well, doesn't help that i found this event 'closet' haha it compells me to make them.
Posted in Community Event Item Avatar Closet~ Posted 6 years ago

i tend to only get the colors i like 'nods' unless i start an outfit in one i don't normally use..which has happened haha. and i buy them as i earn them or as an outfit idea calls for them.
Posted in Dragon's Hallowed Halls Posted 6 years ago


Thanks so much, Star! -hugs-
It is a lot of work being a manager, but the income was really nice.
Still got a while of working and a bonus after it ends.
Though I could use a week or so of vacation/relaxation.

i bet 'nods' im currently floating just trying to make it tot he first check of the month, though i feel much better now, we used a box of scalloped potato's and they tasted AWESOME. made them in the microwave 'nods'
Posted in Community Event Item Avatar Closet~ Posted 6 years ago

those are super cute star! I especially like the one you have on currently

aww thanks, Im goign to work on another after i earn more coin to buy commons 'nods'
Posted in Community Event Item Avatar Closet~ Posted 6 years ago

Star's Event Closet 'runs off to make outfit'

Idea for my outfit came from Kozi:
Kozi's avi

Shadow Runway

my own runway thread
Posted in I welcome you all Posted 6 years ago


@star2000shadow: OOPS double post because I didn't see you pinged me! (Won't happen again OTL) But hey, we deal with the same situation. Things will get better. Food shelfs are so nice honestly, they help with spreading out groceries and there's so many things you can use. I hope you guys get a ton of good things! I can see why eating too early is a problem though, but you can't help that you were hungry. At least you had something to eat, thankfully!

true, and the roommate helped, wasn't much but hehad three andies left, and two jolly chewies so my stomach's shut up which im thankful for. and the sugar gave me a bit of energy which im even more thankful for haha.
Posted in I welcome you all Posted 6 years ago

@candiedaliens: i've been doing that and we will, on the first 'nods' or on monday when i can go to a food shelf. its nto that bad we atleast have enoughf or a meal a day which is more then some people have. i just miscalculated and had my meal at lunch instead of before bedtime.