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Posted in Haunted Houses! Posted 3 years ago
My city has a pretty popular haunted house that I went to years ago and it was pretty cool. There was a section where a woman had a rat and I got excited and got to pet the rat. XD I'm not scared of spooky stuff, I actually quite like spooky aesthetics, but I have bad eyesight so my only 'fear' was tripping or running into stuff lol.

The only times I've been to Disneyland and Universal Hollywood were in Oct, but I never got to go to the after dark attractions unfortunately.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: That makes sense. That must definitely be a weight off your shoulders. ^^
I've been okay. I've been kinda in one of my many periods of insomnia for the last week so I've been kinda fatigued and living off energy drinks, lol, but other than that I'm okay. Been trying to spend less time online and more time reading and organizing stuff in my house.

Nice, I've been in the mood for Thai food lately. My friend and I made Pad Thai years ago, maybe I should try that recipe again some time. I haven't eaten at too many Thai restaurants so I'm only familiar with a few dishes. I like cooking but it can be overwhelming at times. Plus I was using a recipe from a website which I was reading from my iPad that I propped up on my counter and the website had constant popups and kept refreshing and going to the top of the page, meaning I had to keep scrolling to the the bottom past the ads over and over again. Next time I'm definitely going to write the recipe down or screenshot the page. XD'

Congrats on finishing your class!
Posted in What are you currently reading? Posted 3 years ago
I’ve been reading Sword of Destiny: Tales of The Witcher and A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. The GoT books are all so long so I like to alternate between it and easier reading stuff for when my attention span is less focused.
I’ve never heard those takes before lol. Like the person before me said, where else would you put your plunger if not next to the toilet?
I don’t have a dishwasher and didn’t at my old house either, but almost everyone else I know has one.
Usually diet Mtn Dew or water. Sometimes an energy drink like Bang (love the birthday cake and rainbow unicorn flavors) or Ghost (love sour watermelon and blue raspberry).

I wish I liked coffee more cause energy drinks are kinda pricy but I like my caffeine.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Nice, hope you enjoy your trip. Also, I saw your thread and glad to see your heart seems to be not having problems any more. ^^

@aisukohi: Understandable, haha.Yay, that’s fun. I’m wearing a hoodie and leggings right now cause it’s been getting down to like 60 at night and I’d rather leave the windows open and just wear more clothes in the morning till it warms up lol. But I’m one of those people who seems to get cold easier than others so hoodie weather is already starting for me.
Yeah, I hate when you’re walking and your feet are making wet squishy sounds, bleach.
I went to the thrift store yesterday since it was a nice day. I finally found a basic pair of fleece shorts that are in my size and have pockets too. ^^ I saw some cute Hello Kitty Vans that were of course 2 sizes too small for my giant feet. They’ve started putting out Halloween stuff too, but all I bought was the shorts and a t shirt. I’m ready for fall though, the cooler weather and holidays and all.

I cooked some pineapple shrimp fried rice yesterday too and it turned out pretty good. :D
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: That's good then. ^^ Where did you go?
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Me too lol. I joke about how people think I'm vegetarian cause I rarely eat meat at home, but that's partially just cause it's cheaper to eat beans and rice and stuff. But chicken thighs were 97c/lb this week so I got a couple packages.
I cleaned my house the other day too. I bought myself a new mop at the store too cause my old one was super basic and now I have one of the ones with the handle you pull up to twist out the water easily. :frizz-celebrate: Hope your flight went well!

@aisukohi: I donated a few of my tops like that. Time to replace them with some that fit better I think. I've never been to FL but I don't imagine that puffy jackets are necessary at all lol. Here in CO it gets pretty cold, but I prefer a non-bulky jacket and just wear a couple long sleeve shirts underneath + scarf, hat, gloves. Hope you find some good shorts! I might go shopping this weekend to look for some shorts and stuff myself. It's been rainy in the afternoons here lately so it depends on the weather. I don't like walking in the rain and mud.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: I'm doing alright. The grocery store by my house has a good sale this week so yesterday I got a bunch of groceries. Everything's been so expensive so I'm stocking up while I can lol. How are you?
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
@alchemists fire: Thanks! I might go back and play it again one day, but I haven't played it in probably 2 years so I don't even know what I'd want lol. Plus I let my Nintendo Online sub run out since I barely played games online.

That's awesome! I started played a game called Littlewood recently and it reminds me a lot of AC; it's got a museum with bugs and fish and stuff to collect so that's what I've been working on at the moment.
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
@alchemists fire: Nice! I bought NH when it came out but barely played it. I got bored cause I couldn't get all the stuff I wanted without people to trade stuff with.

That will be great. I hope I can find some cool Halloween stuff this year to add to my collection.
Posted in IT'S MY BIRTHDAY Posted 3 years ago
Happy Birthday!
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
@alchemists fire: Haha, when I played New Leaf I had a Halloween room in my house. My sense of 'decor' is kinda atypical, but I live alone so I can do what I want with my living space.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: It's definitely something I had to practice, haha. It comes more easily after so many years of buying stuff, wearing it 0-3 times and then ending up donating it and think about all the money I waste on stuff I never even end up wearing. I don't have as many long sleeved non-hoodie tops, and I'm kinda picky about those too. I dunno if it's just that I have weird proportions but a lot of long sleeved tops will have sleeves that go to the end my fingers but the midsection barely goes to my bellybutton. :s I'm hoping I can find another winter jacket later this year too. I'm having a hard time finding one that's warm without being bulky cause I hate those jackets that're like super puffy and make me feel like 3x larger when I'm wearing them lol. One of the things I miss about living in Cali was that winter wasn't cold enough to typically necessitate more than a hoodie, but it gets pretty cold in winter here.