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Posted in Survey for Volts #4 Posted 3 years ago
3. Are you hot?
A little bit
Posted in Survey for Volts #4 Posted 3 years ago
2. Any other names your parents planned to give you?
Not sure
Posted in Survey for Volts #4 Posted 3 years ago
1. How many pairs of converse shoes do you own?

Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Hopefully you don't get sick at all. :s I'm glad I haven't had to fly anywhere for a few years. I think the combination of being on a stuffy airplane and suffocating in a mask would kill me lol. But yeah, don't need to get sick on vacation. Luckily every time I've gotten sick after a flight it's just been on the way back home.
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: That sounds pretty brutal. The last person I know who got it recently was on a plane; so glad I'm not traveling anytime soon because even before Covid I often got a little sickness every other time I flew it seemed.

@aisukohi: I feel tired enough these days just from the standing at regular length concerts. The 3rd day of Life is Beautiful I stood for like 14hours out in the hot Vegas sun and I was definitely walking like a hunchback for a few days after lol. But it's worth it to actually be able to get a good view of the stage/band. The next concert I should be going to is to see The Birthday Massacre in a couple months. :3

That's true. Sometimes I look in the mirror when I have shoes on though and I think I look like I have clown feet. XD Plus finding shoes I like that fit me can be a pain. Nothing sucks more than when I see some cool shoes on sale and the only size left is 5, which is literally half of what I need.

Those would be cool too! A dragon Eevee would be awesome. I love dragon types. And lol at that meme. XD
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Glad that your appointment resulted in good news! Several of my friends/family members had gotten Covid and some still have lingering effects. I haven't been sick at all since the end of 2019, so I guess I've been pretty lucky in that regard.
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Glad that RF5 runs better on the PC than on the Switch. I put it on my wishlist, so maybe I'll buy it eventually. I still need to go back and beat RF4, someday after I either figure out what I was in the process of doing or give up and just start a new save. I know I was in the process of upgrading weapons and leveling up my skill before tackling the final boss, but I forgot which weapon I was trying to even upgrade and with what materials, lol.

Hope you had a fun birthday! And hope that your appointment goes well. :s
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: I've been to a couple music festivals out of state before-- the Life is Beautiful festival in Vegas and Cal Jam in Cali, and they were really fun but pretty exhausting from standing out in the sun. XD But it's a good way to find new bands to listen to. I used to go to concerts a lot when I had transportation, but now that I don't I haven't been to many in the last couple years, unfortunately. At least I have been to a few this year, and have one more to look forward to.

I don't usually wear any clothes that high heels would go with, so I've never really even wanted to get a pair I guess. XD And I have giant feet (size 10 US women's) so they'd look ugly on me anyways I feel, lol. I do prefer platforms since they add height without putting my foot in a position I'm not used to.

Yeah, I get that too and I also like the Dragonite line. I really like Espeon and Umbreon too! I wonder if we'll get a new Eeveelution anytime soon. I think a dragon or ghost one would be pretty cool. :3
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: No, I moved there because I met a guy online who lived there and moved in with him while we were dating. I miss the area sometimes but it's too expensive, lol.
I'm doing alright this weekend. I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley lately because I'm close to reaching perfection in my current farm. :] How are you?

@aisukohi: That sounds like fun! I don't think there are any music festivals in my town, but we have a few smaller venues that I like to go to. I haven't been to too many concerts lately though, partially cause I'm bad about keeping up with current music.

That's usually how it is with me too. That's why some series like MHA or Jujutsu Kaisen I started in dub and then switched to sub when I got impatient lol. It's interesting to compare the different versions too.

I don't wear high heels at all, but several years ago I was at my friend's house and we were getting dressed to go to the bar and she suggested I wear a pair of her high heel shoes. I wasn't even drinking yet and I couldn't walk in them at all. Getting calluses is definitely no fun though, and a con would probably involve at least one full day of standing, so it's best to probably plan an outfit that will be comfortable to be in all day.

True, I definitely can't name them all, or probably even half lol. I always look forward to the new gens of Pokemon when they come out though. My favorite newer Pokemon are the Goomy/Sligoo/Goodra evo line and Sylveon. :D
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 3 years ago
Mango by Super Junior
Posted in Another Newbie in the House Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: My first concert was The Birthday Massacre opening for Otep! And funnily enough, TBM just added concert dates that included my city at the same venue I first saw them at and I bought tickets. I'm pretty excited to see them again. Yeah, I didn't follow western music around that time so they must have been popular if even I know their name, haha.

That's understandable. I think with both Japanese and English dub VAs, the most popular VAs will be in a lot of different things, especially if it's the same company like Funimation. I'm just glad that dubs are better these days than in the 90s/early 00s, cause even though I don't mind subs, sometimes I'm lazy and just want to hear a dub. A Howl's cosplay would be so cute! I told my friend she should totally dress up her child at a con because kid cosplayers are so cute lol, especially if they match their parent/s. I have played some anime stuff to her child, and it's so cute when she acts out the fights or the transformations. I joke to her that I will make her kid into a weeb like us.

I'd like to cosplay as Sailor Mars, though I might do a casual outfit rather than her senshi outfit because I don't usually dress in tight outfits, plus me in high heels is like newborn Bambi. XD I've also thought to go as a Team Rocket Grunt, maybe take with me my giant Meowth plushie I won at a fair years ago. :3

Aww, that's awesome. There are a lot of Pokemon nowadays so it's a bit hard to keep up, but I feel nostalgic about the gen 1 Pokemon still. The newer games add different versions of Pokemon like Sandslash and Cubone too, so it's a bit different but also familiar.
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 3 years ago
The sound of my washing machine and rain outside
Posted in Post the amount of Volts you've got! Posted 3 years ago
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 3 years ago
Sunny Summer by GFRIEND