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Posted in Shows You're Watching? Posted 3 years ago
I'm currently watching:

  • One Piece (finally caught up last month lol)
  • Uncle From Another World
  • Hunter x Hunter (2011)
  • Tokyo Mew Mew New
  • Classroom of the Elite
  • Masterchef S12
  • The Circle S3
  • 90 Day Fiance and 90DF UK
  • I Love A Mama's Boy
  • Seeking Sister Wife

And a handful of cartoons from my youth: Tale Spin, Pepper Ann, Dinosaurs, Recess, Timon and Pumbaa, Freakazoid

I'm unable to just binge watch a single show at a time lol, my brain gets bored so I always have a few on every sub service I use and just watch shows whenever I'm in the mood for that particular show.

edit: Started watching The Sandman on Netflix too
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: Yeah, I've had to become more picky as I've accumulated more clothes. I have a habit of grabbing something if I like it, then as I walk around browsing I kinda make a mental list weighing the pros and cons and a lot of the time I end up putting the item back. Now I try just to not shop in the sizes that would be too big, but with vanity sizing I end up looking at like a range of 3 sizes because brands sizing seems to be all over the place lol. I see that a lot with shoes too. I finally found a decent pair of tennis shoes in my size that looked barely worn, but for a while every pair looked pretty worn out and raggity. I've been considering buying a pair of pajamas and found a cute pair in my size at Goodwill recently, but I already have so many t shirts and pajama pants that I'm like just 'just sleep in those, you don't need to spend money on clothes you'll only sleep in when you can just wear the same ones you can also wear outside'... unless I find a pair I absolutely love of course.

My main problem is hoodies... I have too many already but that's a section I always browse when I go shopping, haha.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: My friend has a toddler and buys all her clothes second hand too lol. Yeah, I often find stuff new with tags on at the thrift store... even though the tags are from like Kohls or whatever, it's still cool to see how much the article cost originally. Like one time I found a sweater but it was $20.... it still had the tag on it and it was originally $60, but I still thought that's pretty expensive for a thrifted sweater so I didn't buy it. It's crazy how sometimes you find stuff that the thrift store is charging more for than the original price though lol. I got a Rugrats hoodie that still had the Wal Mart tag on it and the thrift store was charging $10, which was the original Wal Mart price. But it was half off that day at least.
I wouldn't mind a couple more pairs of Docs, and I get jealous of all the people on that ThriftFinds subreddit who find them for like less than $20. I got mine at the thrift store and they looked unworn, but I also paid about as much as they'd be brand new so that was kinda a bummer, but I had been thinking about buying the same color for a while and they were in my size so I bit the bullet. It's rare that I find shoes in my size, as I've mentioned before I have big feet. Last time I went I found a pair of Vans in a similar pattern to a pair I have, but they were 1 size too small. :( And the pair I already have is half a size too small already since I got them thrifted too. I was like "well, they're only $5 and I can squeeze my feet in them if I wear thin socks" but I talked myself out if it since I should just save that money to buy shoes in my actual size and have comfortable feet lol.

That's understandable, haha. I love it too, though I try to buy less stuff nowadays. Still fun to browse, though, and sometimes you find interesting things.
Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: That's crazy. High fashion stuff for babies is even weirder to me cause babies grow so fast and they don't care what they're wearing, so I don't get people who spend like $100 on some shoes for a baby lol. Or those brands that purposely make clothes that look dirty and worn out but cost like $300. The most expensive pair of shoes I own is my pair of Dr. Martins but they still cost like 1/3 of other brands of shoes that I see people regularly shell out money for all the time. I don't know what Kate Spade bags look like but I recognize that brand as being popular on that subreddit too lol. The only brand I like a lot is Tokidoki, but all my stuff came from the thrift stores and even brand new their stuff is way cheaper than like LV or Chanel or whatever. All my other stuff is just random brands and a lot of stuff is just from Wal Mart or Target or whatever, but I guess that makes it easier for me at thrift stores since I'm not looking for the same kind of stuff other people are looking for, haha. Besides, a lot of name brand stuff is just like a shirt with the brand's name on it and I'm not interested in dressing like a billboard.

Yeah, that's understandable lol. They do advise you to bring gloves for that reason. But I think a lot of stuff dumped there isn't necessarily stuff that was rejected by other thrift stores but just random stuff that they didn't have room for or didn't have time to sort through or whatever. But since it's by weight, it's super cheap. I think last time I went I found a shirt and a manga and it was like ~$2 for both of those when it'd probably cost around $5-7 at the actual thrift store. Definitely a different experience than a typical thrift shopping experience, but of course it also depends on your location too.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@anarchist beauty: Cool! I like the painting too. Hope you can get that canvas print one day.

@totalanimefan: I'm going to go see The Birthday Massacre. I've seen them a couple times before and their shows are always high energy and fun. ^^
Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
Yesss, I only have a few Halloween decorations but I keep them out year round. I hope I find some more to add to my collection.

The weather has cooled down to the 80s where I live thankfully. Last Fri the high was only 68, and I was cold but I didn't mind it after a week of almost 100, lol.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@pashminapanda: Hiii, sorry I just saw your post! I'm okay, just been up to my usual (anime/reading/gaming). I started playing a game called Littlewood and it's pretty cute and fun so far. It reminds me a bit of Animal Crossing. ^^

@totalanimefan: I saw, that sounds like so much fun! I haven't done anything social irl since the 4th of July, lol. Kinda sucks but at least I have a concert next month to look forward to. :D

@anarchist beauty: Ahhh, thanks! I'll definitely add it to the first post! :frizz-celebrate:

@aisukohi: Lol I'm jealous of your toddler's pants! And yeah, I love browsing Reddit but I have too much social anxiety to post anything myself. Plus the people on that subreddit are all about either brand name stuff (which I know nothing about cause I have no fashion sense), or weird stuff, which I haven't found too much of myself. I think most high fashion stuff is fugly so I'm mostly there for the weird/strange/gross stuff people find. :p I've wondered about the thrift store process myself. I think a lot of stuff does possibly get tossed or donated to a Goodwill outlet (dunno if you have one in your area, but basically it's like a warehouse full of giant bins with crap just dumped in and stuff is sold by the pound. I've found stuff both times I've been, but also in the bins are broken stuff and literal animal turds in there... sooo yeah. ). I think the outlets are where stuff ends up if a store doesn't have sufficient room on the shelves.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: That’s understandable. I stop shaving my legs in winter lol, though half my jeans have holes in them so I still try to at least shave around those areas. The knees are like the hardest areas to shave though too. XD

There’s some good thrift stores around here. There’s 2 within walking distance to me. One is a little Goodwill that I’ve found some pretty good stuff at even though it’s small, and the other is a larger chain thrift store. The only thing I don’t like about the Goodwill here is they barely have any toys, and I like collecting plushies.
Haha, I like following the ThriftFinds subreddit partially cause sometimes people find junk like that. I saw someone post a thrift store that was trying to sell some empty Planter’s Peanuts jars for more than it’d cost to just buy the actual jar with peanuts from the grocery store. I’m glad the stores here are decent, though sometimes they sell stuff from the Dollar Tree for more than it’d cost there. Plus I see lots of Shein and Romwe stuff nowadays.

Lol yeah I used to have a mystery box of clothes too. Now I just have a box of clothes that’re too big to wear but too sentimental to donate.

@feral: Same, I hate how so many pants have fake pockets. When I’m walking I like to listen to music on my phone, and I end up putting it in the back pocket since the side pockets are always so useless. I used to wear men’s pants for work since I preferred to keep my wallet and phone on me, but even the shortest men’s pants are too long for me.

Relevant meme lol
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: I try to not leave too much space, but I also don't want to be right up against the people in front of me. I hold my ground the best I can, but there's always some jerks who don't care and just try and muscle their way up front unfortunately.

Bras can be expensive, so I'm lucky the few bralettes I have I got at the thrift store. I've been thinking about buying some more online, but I'm afraid I'll get the wrong size and they'll be unwearable. :s I'm glad it's not just me then, haha. I guess I'll just have to find some longer shorts or something. I can't stand the feeling of them riding up, it's like getting a frontal wedgie. XD I'm usually fine just not wearing shorts outdoors, but with some of these hot days we've been having, I'd be more comfortable in shorts instead of jeans.

I actually got rid of several trash bags of clothes last year, but I still have so many. I've cut down a lot, but I'm still tempted sometimes. I don't think I could ever be one of those people who just has a capsule wardrobe of a few things though. I like variety and options lol. Donating to a women's shelter is a really good idea! I gave all my donations to my friend to take to the Goodwill donation for me. It was a pain washing everything that had been sitting in storage for so long, but hopefully they found new homes.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: Ugh, I hate crowd-goers like that. :s Nothing worse than pushy annoying people. I saw Halestorm a few years ago and this dude and two girls shoved their way right in front of me, and they were all like a foot taller than me, kept shouting to each other during the show and one of them stank of B.O. >.>

I'm not sure if I've ever had a bra that's the right size cause they all seem to fit badly on me, even when I tried to measure myself. XD Nowadays I mostly just wear bralettes. They're more comfortable to me than standard bras, and I don't need much support cause I don't have much going on there lol. Yeah, I'll never wear crop tops. I hate when shirts barely cover my bellybutton and I gotta keep pulling them down constantly. My problem lately is finding shorts though. I feel like every time I find a pair that fits me and is a decent length when I'm standing up, as soon as I try to sit they ride up into my crotch, haha. I just want a pair of shorts that's a length between short-shorts and grandma shorts. I wear athletic shorts at home, but I still haven't found a decent pair of denim shorts w/ pockets to wear outdoors.

I have a couple of corset-style tops I got at HT years ago, but sadly they're way too big on me now. ;_; I haven't bought any band shirts from HT lately, but I bought some boots and a pair of denim shortalls last year. They seem to always have some kind of sale too, so I've been tempted to buy stuff from them a lot but I already have so many clothes lol. Aw, that's always sad when you lose your favorite clothes. I think she threw away a Sailor Moon shirt I wore all the time too. I mean it was kinda falling apart from wear, but still.
Posted in Puppy pic! Posted 3 years ago
Awww, so cute! <3
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@aisukohi: True, it did suck when everyone shoved forward and I can see why people would rather get out than end up being suffocated. I'll look up those songs later. ^^

If I do buy clothes online, I measure myself to compare with the provided size chart and look at buyer photos when available trying to find people who are around my size to see what size they bought, haha. But some stuff even if it does fit might look weird on my body, so I'd still rather try stuff on. I don't even own any sewing stuff right now, but I need to look into that for sure. I like loose clothes, but there's a point where it feels like I'm wearing a dress instead of a shirt.

I still have a lot of the stuff I bought at Hot Topic when I was a teen. XD It was literally only last year when I finally got rid of all my old Lip Service and Tripp pants with all the chains and straps in their glory. I do actually still like the selection nowadays, but it does sometimes feel funny to be in a HT looking at Hello Kitty or Kpop stuff when back in the day it was always dark inside and they'd be blasting Slipknot or something lol. My first band shirt was a Korn shirt from HT, and if my father's ex-wife didn't get rid of it years ago I'd totally still wear it.
Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: That's understandable, but you know a lot I'm sure. ^^ Heck, I still learn new words and stuff in English and it's the only language I know; languages are so expansive, I respect anyone who can become fluent in more than one.