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Posted in Lightning Surge: Crates & Orbs! Posted 3 years ago
    Thank you so much for this! Voltra lives!

    @Wildfire: we have Pringles, Kit Kat, Snickers, Reeses Pieces, M&Ms, Lucky Charms, Oreos, Pop Tarts, Hershey’s, etc. We have a lot of American stuff on our shelves, but nothing I am interested in trying. I assume the recipes are different to get through UK food standards, we are pretty strict like that, which is a good thing imo.

      Moonpies!! One of my all time favorites.

      They should have left those on the moon.

    Not a fan?

    @Aisukohi: I love Ritz! Thanks again for the suggestions.

    @Wildfire: lol, luckily I’m not a big snacker, so these are very rare treats. I’m usually very picky about what chemicals I put in my body etc but I figure, it’s just a treat :) thanks for all the suggestions, I’m actually surprised at how many American treats are stocked in regular stores here. I had no idea some of these things were American!

    @Aisukohi: I will check those out, thank you for a thorough list of recs!
    Re: Hershey’s….. I tried it before and I found it pretty gross, I thought it was just super sugary but what you said about vomit…. Hard pass, lmao.

    @MaxIsConfused: we have most of those in regular stores, but not Hamburger Helpers, they sound delicious!! I will search for them.

    @Spider: I never heard of Dove before, I will have a look, thank you!

    @Stinky: Hersheys is pretty gross ngl! They sell it in regular stores but idk why, there are so many tastier types of US treats to stock XD

    @Aisukohi: ah, I actually hate marshmallows with every fibre of my being lmao. The Cracker Jacks sound delicious tho! They are on my list!
    I don’t think frozen food would be feasible with shipping from London to my house (halfway up the country). But I do love pizza in all its forms! I wish I could try Pizza Rolls!!!!
    I generally lean more towards savoury, but there are times when I get a super strong sugar craving (probably timed around Aunt Flo but I don’t keep track). I basically like all snacks!

    @Deaa: there are several different stores, I like to shop around. They will each have different items in stock. This time around I ordered from but there is also and among others (I want to try the chocolate Grahams but they have been out of stock for a while).

    @Stinky: I’ll check those out. I’m ordering from a store that imports from America, so I have the full selection of goodies available. You generally can’t buy these items in regular stores here :)

    @PashminaPanda: not heard of those! I’ll check them out :)

    @Spider: I’ve tried Twinkies before, they’re not for me. We have Pop Tarts here and I love them, especially the Choco ones. I need to try that Mac and Cheese tho, I had it in my cart then apparently removed it? I need to get it next time!

    They are delicious. How did I go 30 years without knowing how yummy they are? I dunked them in tea which is probably sacrilegious to any USians but Brits gotta dunk.

    I also tried Flaming Hot Cheetos (hard pass, nice and spicy but have an oniony aftertaste??? Also I am wary about putting that much food colouring in my body) and Goldfish (meh).

    What else should I try?

Posted in -sneaks in through back entrance- Posted 3 years ago
    Welcome to Voltra :)

Posted in I have 100k volts. Posted 3 years ago
    Me too. I think that because we haven’t been having new items, we’ve accrued more currency, without anything to spend it on.

Posted in Puppy pic! Posted 3 years ago
    @Miss Sandman: right? At least I know what to dress him as for Halloween XD