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    @Totalanimefan: yeah 41 in Spain. It’s crazy :o climate change gone wild.

    @Wildfire: it’s very cathartic I find. I always feel better after a thunderstorm.

    @Wildfire: there’ll be others! It’s just been so long since we had a good thunderstorm :o

    @Wildfire: it’s still roasting in the direct sun but yeah it’s manageable. The thunder storm we had forecast has been downgraded to a rainstorm, which is disappointing lol xD

    @Wildfire: it’s not too bad inside the house, I’m actually pretty chill. I can avoid going outside for the most part. I do wish we had AC but not because it’s NECESSARY more because I would appreciate it. I’ll be fine :) even when I was outside, there was a pleasant breeze.

    @Totalanimefan: it does :o and usually we get our hottest weather in July and August so I’m dreading what it will be like in the next few months!

    @Wildfire: what a delicious and healthy breakfast! Honestly all the food you make sounds delicious and super healthy!
    That is some hot weather :o be careful!

    @Totalanimefan: oh :( I’m sure you can power through it!
    Yeah it’s mad, these past few summers have been really hot.

    @Totalanimefan: that sounds… complicated XD are you enjoying it?
    Yeah I’ve been drinking a lot, now I’m indoors the heat is much more manageable. I wish we had AC but it’s not worth here lol.

    @Totalanimefan: yeah it’s pretty hot. I’ve just been sat outside for a while but had to come in it was so hot! What are you studying today?

    @Totalanimefan: good morning/afternoon! How’s things?

    @Wildfire: ooo what breakfast did you make from your garden? Good luck in the heat! Hot weather is fun to a point, and then it just gets painful:( it is 31 degrees here, which is too much for most Brits lol.

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago
    41 bunnies

    @Wildfire: oh good luck! I’m sure your garden appreciates the hard work :)
    I’m doing ok, back to my mum’s for a few days because of housemate drama lol. Long story but I’m going back to my mum’s until Monday:) we have good weather here, like 30 degrees C, so hopefully I can enjoy that.