Synthetic Nature's posts
Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Okay. I'll try and find some text from the character profiles that fits. (I just feel like the background is poop and I wanna do something nicer.) <3

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
Here's what I have so far! Please let me know if there's anything else you want added! (Also, sorry for the double-post.)

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Any particular name you want on the store? For lore and stuff? (It's nothing fancy. Just generic store shapes ATM.)
Edit: I drew the BG and I'm not loving it so I'm gonna make it more abstract by adding shapes and text. Is there any text that relates to your story that you want me to add?

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Alrighty. Thanks!

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Do you have any ideas for what you'd like the background to be?

Posted in Animal Crossing has me by the brain stem
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
Yeah. That game's got me too. It's keeping me sane through all this stuff.

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Yeeeey! I've done a wee bit tonight. I'm gonna do that cleaning now. Then I'll get back on it tomorrow. Just gotta' so the swirly-doo-das in Hal's eyes then the gradients and BG. <3

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Nah. It's not done yet. Since you're giving me so many items I wanted to do a wee gradient shading as well. And I still have the highlights to do in. (I'm working on the eyes right now!) ^.^

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Aweh! That makes me feel better. I'm not liking the shading at the moment, but I think I'm just in a creativity pit. I'm thinking of taking some time to tidy my room and drawing space. I always find that gets my creativity juices flowing. 'Might do that tonight after I work on the drawing. :3

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Hello! I just thought I'd drop a lil' update! I've started on the shading and I'll be done soon! I've done most of the block stuff and I'll add some gradients in later too.There's some more in the WIP below! I really hope you're okay with it so far. Please let me know if there's anythnig that needs changing! /Bows.

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: I guess we all have our preferences. One of my friends have mastered both though and his art is S I C K . I love it!

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Aaaaayyy!! I've followed you now! And I love the hair on that drawing! And the creases on the shirt. Just.... /Mwaa!! I never got the hang of soft shading. XD

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Ooooh! THAT kind of impatience! I totally understand that! An art shop? Hmm... I had one on Gaia for a bit, but the stress of putting out good work got to me, so I only do art when I'm really vibing with it. I also wanna get better before I start charging people. And hell yeah, I'd be down for an art trade! I looked on the profile for the Mum and I realised that was your art? Daaaaang! I really like it! (Which reminds me, are you on DA, 'cause I'll have to stalk your art now that I know.) <3

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Impatiently patient? I got a wee snicker out of that. XD