Synthetic Nature's posts
Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Lilykin: Ah. I see. My family's not religious, but I like to follow a lot of Pagan practices. ^.^

Posted in Lilith's Gallery
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
Ooooh! I really like the one of the monochrome telephone pole. Blurry monochrome photography really gives off a spooky atmospheric vibe! :D

Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Lilykin: True. I don't see the problem then. (I hope that's not rude of me to say, I'm not Christian or Catholic.) I've read some of the Bible though! I really like learning and reading about all the religions out there. ^.^

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
I updated my lists! I know I don't have much, but if anyone's willing to trade, let me know!
(I'm finished with my university projects for this semester, so I have more time to draw if that's what you choose!)

Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Lilykin: Ah. I see. That's certainly curious. Although, I guess there was a lot of violence in the Bible.

Posted in Unicorn's Vibrant Hangout
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Unicorn: Aww... I'm sorry to hear that! I've been a bit blue too. I suppose lockdown and bad news would be the reason. I really hope it passes as all things will! We'll all be here for you! /Hugs!

Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Lilykin: Do your parents not like watching that kinda' stuff? I guess I can understand that. XD

Posted in Donated, but can't see any Ohms?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
It's okay! I just popped on and they're in! (I've been having connection issues, so it must have just been a bit slow.)
Thank you very much for helping you guys! /Hugs!

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@star2000shadow: Ah! That's fair. I hope you find something to enjoy! ^.^

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@star2000shadow: Hmm... Well, I've also been re-watching Jessica Jones on Netflix? I like that one and would recommend it!

Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Lilykin: Yeah... It's a bit... Lewd. And poor Mum has to deal with Dad and I spouting toilet humour and snickering at silly things. XD

Posted in Donated, but can't see any Ohms?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
Hiya! I finally have enough to make a wee donation and was wondering how long it takes for my Ohms to show up? PayPall has already given me my receipts so at least I know it went through. Thanks for any help friends! ^.^

Posted in Unexpected Covid19 consequence?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
I don't have a HOA over here, but I always hear stories about how they tend to be money-grabbing bullies. Is that true?

Posted in Chat thread - What are you watching?
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
I'm watching Game of Thrones with the family during this lockdown!