Synthetic Nature's posts
Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Did you get scabs and blisters when you did it? I never found out if it was normal for me. I just assumed it was because I had sensitive skin, but I'unno. It was gross! XD I woke up with lovely snowy-white hair, but my head was covered in pussy scabs and it was groooooss! XD

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Aww! My Mum dyes her hair red. (Like, blood red.) It's awesome!
Y'know it's the weirdest thing! Both my parents had orange hair. So bright and nice, but I had this diluted brown-ish ginger. It looked so boring! That's why I decided to dye it and make it more interesting. I wish I just had full on brown, but nah... I was stuck with what I liked to call 'pee-pee gold' hair. XD

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: I'd love to dye my hair teal, but I'm ginger and I can't deal with the pain of the bleach. I used to dye my hair white yeeeears ago and it huuuuurt! My hair is black at the moment since I don't have to bleach it. Ginger folk have really sensitive skin and I used to get scabs on my head after bleaching. Having coloured hair was cool and all, but I'd rather be comfortable. XD
Here's what my hair used to be! (I really enjoyed the unique colours! ^.^)
They're old photos. (I don't really like being in photos much.)

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Nah. I have the colours down! It's okay!
I was gonna make the daughter's hair a kinda' blonde/teal ombre since she dyes it, so that'll be fun to draw!

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Alrighty then! I'll go line this in. That way it'll be more detailed. I'll line it and throw in some base colours just to get the jist of it. Then I'll send you another WIP before adding the shading. It's a cute family! (And there's teal! My favourite colour! So I'll probably have that as the general colour-scheme.) XD

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Alrighty. I've got a lil' doodle. This is what I have so far. It's hot garbage, but I just wanted to see if this was what you like? I gave some imagination to the outfits since the profiles gave me some details. (The final linework will be waaaay more neat. All I need is the go-ahead. And any changes or additions you want me to make.)

Posted in Have not been on in a long time
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
Welcome back! It sounds like everyone is coping and being productive, so that's good! Hang in there friends! /Hugs!

Posted in *Burps*
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
I have no idea why we burpin' but I'm in.

Posted in ♥ how many letters do you have? ♥
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
153, but I don't need them now. XD

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Yeah! I think I can work with this! I see the details section and the characters sound fun to draw! Woo! I'll sketch up something tonight then! :D

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Hmm... That would make it complicated, but we can figure that out then! Every OC needs a profile image. Do you have descriptions of them? That way I can scribble a WIP, get your input, change it up and stuff.

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Nothing I can think of. I usually like to experiment and tackle new things.
Oh! And if you have three OCs from one story that you have, I can do 'em all together in one image! Say about A3!
By the way, is Lunakiri you?

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Three images? Kinda' like torso portrait shots of them? Head to hips. I think I could do that? If it's not too much trouble, could you pick the characters? Then I'll look at their profiles and get the vibes of 'em.

Posted in Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'
Posted 5 years ago
I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!
@Amber Lynne: Oh! Thanks for letting me know! I'm very forgetful!
How many items would you think this type of art is worth? (This is what I like to call my 'maximum effort' art. It's not the best, but I put my heart into it! ^.^) I can do a full custom of whatever character you want.